You DO realise I was making a joke, right? Please tell me I’m just being trolled and I’m too stupid to see it.
You DO realise I was making a joke, right? Please tell me I’m just being trolled and I’m too stupid to see it.
There would be more uninformed individuals such as yourself. Fact check, most electronic devices are manufactured overseas, often in China.... Including the iPhone. In fact, even Trump.... And his family’s....consumer goods are manufactured in China. China isn’t the Boogeyman you make them out to be.
Thank goodness other products like the iPhone and every other phone on the market, modems, computer parts and smart TVs aren’t made in China. Just imagine what would happen if all those products made it across the border :O
This establishment is just a publicity stunt by Ayesha Curry to troll on Houston and it’s culture.
The first player that responds to one of these pseudoscientific psychological tests by punching the team’s GM in the nuts should automatically be drafted #1.
What a travesty. Enes is the one who plays for the Knicks.
I’m sure the list of All-Stars wanting to move to an EPA Superfund site and watch Jordan Clarkson throw up 14 bricks a game is extremely long.
LeBron: [looks at picture, thinks about having to carry Kawhi in addition to the rest of the team, leaves]
The fans made up a “Bryan Singer cut” of Superman Returns too.
Fandoms are pretty stupid sometimes.
Am i the only one that feel Blade is a better film on a whole than Blade II (which is admittedly more ambitious)?
this was the Studio 54 principle at play
People on twitter criticizing this can eat my entire asshole.
The bad dream that’s afflicting LeBron James is a long one, replete with horrors. J.R. Smith is there, wandering…
There is a certain way that the Cleveland Browns have to play, and we are going to earn our stripes.
Sad that “Papers please!” a hallmark of nazis and fascists despotic regimes is now accepted and even applauded in America.
It’s like us lapsed Catholics getting ready to nail the “and also with you” only to hear everyone else say “and with your spirit” or whatever. You’ve picked the easiest part to demonstrate your in-groupness, but totally faceplant the landing.
“Jesus, leave me out of it for chrissakes.”
Well sucks that you stopped reading there and didn’t finish the rest of the sentence
I think it’s better that this ceremony will celebrate the fans who represent Philadelphia instead of those Glory Boy players and to show my support I will happily FedEx a sack of batteries to anyone here who is attending this event in person.
I really don’t think anyone saw this coming. General stupidity, grift, incompetence, sure sure, but this?