Pork Chop Express

Kelly was already heading up DHS - so really the number of competent people in his administration is down 1 (Preibus was made into a laughingstock, but he is actually competent/Spicer is middling/The Mooch was a trainwreck and demonstrated it almost immediately).

I think we owe it to ourselves to ask Marco why his father thinks Matt Forte “looks like a terrorist”...

This is dumbshit orchestrated to keep a dumbshit league in the news (somewhat). Anyone with half a brain - Larry Brown included - could tell you relying on Iverson to be responsible is a dumbshit business model.

What’s quicker - comparisons to hitler or trump at this point?

Out of any sport, football gives Mr Adams the best chance of turning his dream into reality.

a 5200 with working controllers would be a fairly rare as well.

William Shatner is a fucking asshole - how people still don’t seem to understand this is beyond me.

totally - he has no appreciation for how far LeBron has carried him. I can’t wait to see him fail in NYC and get into pissing matches with Anthony.

10 seconds? I think you are being overly generous to yourself.

I love that Steph Curry has transitioned from NBA darling to total heel in less than a single season.

these are the stupidest fucking goons on the planet. How they hoodwinked the American people, I will never understand.

fine with me - always pleasantly surprised when Nintendo characters show up as toys.

This is the best free and positive public acknowledgement that McDonald’s has had in years - glad to see they are capitalizing on it.

With all the head trauma, the NFL may have forgotten they made this commitment.

Who said there was no civility in modern politics?

He done got Grilli’d. 

This is a stupid waste of money. All you need is a simple knob to know that the kids love Itchy, they love Scratchy and one kid really loves the Speedo man.

This is just another reason why you shouldn’t buy a $100k earring.

The last person that insulted China in America was sent to the White House. I envy Kenedy.

“White Sox do thing that doesn’t really matter.”