Famous Mortimer

Shouldn’t have to go meta to justify your bigotry. Just say you hate fags and be done with it.

oh no people who wouldn’t watch the show even if the Doctor walked around with a big titted pornstar impaled on his huge boner are still not going to watch.

Scottish twice in recent memory (yes I’m including Tenant) which is not British I guess, although it is.

Eddie Murphy should play him in the official movie.

Her many songwriters must be thrilled.

Turns out the Saudis were the ones playing 5D chess in their backing of Elon. Should have been obvious from the start.

Not everyone cares what others think or craves constant online engagement and validation. Some people, believe it or not, live in their own heads and never wonder how their choices might affect what others think.

It happened in 2021. I assume it’s only recently that he decided to sue.

You’re totally censored. I can’t even see what I’m replying to or why I thought you said you’re being censored since I obviously can’t see it.

Why won’t anyone let them just ask disingenuous questions? They just want to experience others’ points of view, that’s all.

I prefer Helvetica footage.

Maybe it is as simple as failing the driving portion. I don’t know how Texas does it, but I assume the test includes reversing while turning the trailer into a designated area. Some people cannot grasp it.

Beating out Eric Stoltz really went to his head.

I like the characters and actors in LD, but I don’t enjoy the show itself. I can’t explain why other than it feels soulless, I guess, like the writing is done via a Star Trek reference checklist.

Why is it covered while indoors and why include a picture of it?

No mention of the hot sauce onslaught in his Murderville episode?

Just here to kick the korpse of Kotaku. What a cesspool that place became as content quality declined. Good riddance, shit hole full of fuck faces.

She seems to be the most insecure person on the planet. That stupid ivy league comment and her claim to obvious literary genius are not things happy, adjusted people say. It’s something only an angry person trying to lash out says.

I think the amount of head shaved relates to rank/position. Not all customs are represented onscreen, a few for obvious reasons (blackened teeth and shaved eyebrows for married women for instance.)

Being 2WD, it’s a mere waif weighing ~4800 pounds.