Mortimer Brewster

No $40K model then? How shocking.

Man, I wish the Texas AG would do some of this enforcement of consumer protection laws instead of performative lawsuits against the State of New York for enforcing its own laws and taking bribes that he normally does.

I mean, I currently drive a Cadillac and would be interested in the Optiq, perhaps, except that it’s at least $14,000 more than my XT4 was and makes it far more difficult to use my phone with it.

Considering the increased taxes for registering EVs in some states, an owner may not end up with less tax exposure than a person with an ICE vehicle (especially considering that electricity is also subject to sales taxes in some states).

I mean, I do use Carplay for navigation, which allows me to look up the address and set the route while I’m still sitting at home and doesn’t disappear from the ‘memory’ if I go from one car to another, but that’s not the main reason why I prefer using Carplay.

When I bought my Jetta back in 2016, it came with Chrome exhaust tips (that were actually connected to the exhaust system). It was like a $95 option or something like that. I wouldn’t have ordered them that way, but buying off the lot sometimes gives you some weird, useless options.

If Lady Bird Johnson really cared about highway beautification, she’d have kept her ugly daughters off the road.

Hell, my next door neighbor has at least five cars littering the street in front of our houses at any given time (and at least one trailer). He never parks in his garage and rarely parks in his two-car driveway.

Not even that. The HOA has to change their bylaws to reflect the change for existing homeowners. The Legislature can’t pass any laws that will modify an existing contract unless the contract itself has verbiage that updates the contract to comply with changing laws.

I liked going to the movies for a long time, but I’ve found the older I get, the less I like to go anywhere anymore.

Imma sue him for not donating to my charitable organization. He tryna surpress our speech.

My hometown newspaper (Amarillo, TX) refused to refer to the movie as “Octopussy” and altered the ads and everything to read “Octopus”

He’s really going to be mad when he gets deported and has to live out his days in Winnipeg.

It’s really, really, really large print.

No Robo-Frenchman, though.

I feel like things that are illegal should be prosecuted by appropriate authorities regardless of what a civil court determines in a private action.

Sure, though at some point, the cost of continued appeals outweighs the amount saved even if they ultimately ‘won’ the case.

This seems like something Bugs Bunny would do.

They should sell those cars.

Nah, they still suck.