Mortimer Brewster

I agree with this definition, even though it would result in relatively absurd situations like the VW Atlas being an SUV but the VW Atlas Sport not being an SUV.

I guess it depends on what constitutes a high-mileage driver. Seems to be about 16k miles per year and up. I did pretty close to 16k miles over the last year without going on any trips in my car (so I likely could have charged at home exclusively), so I could have switched without noticing much in the way of changing

You cannot claim self-defense and use deadly force unless you’re not the initial aggressor”

I brought a whole list of illegal acts and the specific state statutes those acts were violating (and explained how and why) to the local DA once, and the DA said they don’t handle enforcing those state laws. That I would have to talk to the state automotive regulators. So I spoke to them, and they said they don’t

Even just mirroring can have hardware-based or software-based lag on the vehicle side.

I mean, part of what makes a CarPlay system buggy or slow is the car’s hardware and software.

It’s not a crime unless people in a position of power care.

Shotspotter is shit. 

I have the same issue. My computer is perfectly capable, but my CPU is unsupported. Seems wasteful to have to buy new stuff just to upgrade. Maybe in two years it’ll make more sense.

I would absolutely buy this if I weren’t just a poor boy from a poor family at the moment.

That was pointed out repeatedly by Audi in the 1980s, but too few people believed them. Every car I’ve ever had, I’ve tried flooring it and slamming the brakes without taking my foot off the accelerator, and every single time, the car has slowed and come to a stop.

Apparently some people are confirming it was a Bentley.

The one time I did purchase a car that was totaled in the first year, I hadn’t gotten gap insurance. Thankfully, God helped me out by sending a hurricane that took a massive number of used cars off the market due to flooding, so the price of used cars in the area had climbed a bit. Whatever formula they used to

My wife and I were buying a base Kia Soul several years back for use as a commuter car. The car had been sitting, mostly hidden, on the lot for a while, I assume so they could advertise having a cheap base model and then steer customers into more expensive models when they came in. At any rate, it was a cold night

I mean, if one of the Hunt family can use a house he doesn’t own as collateral for a massive loan and avoid fraud charges because he ultimately paid off the loan, then surely aggressively borrowing a car for the night shouldn’t be prosecuted, either.

I think it’s time to retire the cliched “I can see the future/she didn’t see that coming” and “this is like the least weird thing that’s happened today” lines.

Assuming everything goes according to plan, the movie will be shelved as a tax write-off sometime in May of 2025.

It’s sad because it really, really wants to come to the U.S.

I mean, not paying prior owners (or finance companies) and not delivering on titles, registration, etc. until a significant time has passed and you’ve reamed out every innocent employee they put in harm’s way to answer the phone from disgruntled customers is how almost every car dealership I’ve dealt with in the last

That certainly sounds like the sort of issues that should be worked out on public roads in regular traffic with paying customers than in more controlled settings before being loosed on the world.