Mortimer Brewster

I had a 1997 Ford F150 extended cab, and there was plenty of room in the backseat bench seat, and it was good when I did have my kids with me since they couldn’t just hop out and go run in traffic until I let them out of the back first.

I mean, my house has electricity. Is this paper saying I need to get rid of that, too? Because living in my car is just going to significantly lower my fuel efficiency (plus, I guess I wouldn’t be able to get any new gas since, you know, all those gas stations run on electricity).

What do insects have to do with it?

I agree. Casino, for example, at three hours is (in my opinion) an excellent movie. Take an hour out, it’s probably not going to play nearly as well. But add an hour to something like Taxi Driver to make it three hours long, and it’s probably going to be a lot worse because of it.


Silly people. Corporations, powerful people, and wealthy people are not bound by our laws.

Average life expectancy extends as a person ages, though. So a dude who is 67 right now can be expected to live another 16.5 years, according to some projections.

Maybe Terrence Howard is available.

It’s all about angle and velocity.

If I were Ms. Robinson, I’d be constantly looking over my shoulder for Joe Pesci. 

Clearly this guy found a passenger who had previously saved him from a collapsing building and was seen in pictures of the Hindenburg, Titanic, and Hurricane Hugo and who will turn out to be a time traveler who travels through time to witness disasters first hand. His presence obviously meant the plane was going to be

It would be really nice and cheap except that the $53 million just covers the cost of the less-than-two-miles portion of the loop that is around the convention center itself.

That must’ve been what happened to Trump Tower, too, losing all those floors and square footage over the years.

I started paying for Premium several years ago when my kids were all about watching YouTube and it was easier to eliminate the ads on all our devices for what’s really not a lot of money per month. It’s been worth it for us, and I use the YouTube Music streaming in my car (which is included with YouTube Premium).

“Lingering Intel users” being lingering Intel Macbook users.

I at least thought they’d all outlive their sitcom parents, but of the ten actors who played a parent of one of the main cast, only Ron Liebman (Rachel’s father) has passed. 

I talked to people on the phone, but I haven’t pushed it very hard because apparently it’s not affecting my premiums (at least according to the few people I’ve talked to).

And yet, Geico won’t let me remove him even though he doesn’t live in my house. He’s listed as an excluded driver, but they won’t let me remove him altogether.

I am not in California, and I don’t know what my state requires. But I’ve got my teenaged kids both on my policy now, so we’re good if such a situation were to befall me.

I’ve had my policy with the same company since 2003. If they asked then, I didn’t have any teenage drivers in the household. My two youngest children hadn’t even been born yet. The policy automatically renews without them asking any additional questions.