Mortimer Brewster

Geico makes me keep my oldest son on my insurance as an excluded driver even though he’s 34 years-old and hasn’t lived with me or anywhere near me in a very long time.

Sure seems like there are a number of people who have been fortunate enough to have their decisions go their way for long enough that it’s basically impossible for them to admit that they even have the capacity for making an incorrect call. Anything that happens is the fault of someone or something else.

That was cool of him to do.

I agree, the 2LT gas-powered Blazer is $35k. Sure, it’s only 228 horsepower, but that’s a massive price gap.


Now that you mention it, I’ve seen airplanes flying overhead and that’s exactly what was used to do 9/11. I think everyone who flies a plane is expressing twisted hatred.

$73 per month?

I guess their ‘We’re Number 2' slogan was meant to compare the company to shit instead of noting their place in the car rental company rankings.

I had the card for a while before I was willing to do anything with GM, but for my current car, I had some rewards saved up, and I’ve made a couple of payments on the lease using my reward points just for funsies. Same deal, no interest paid by me so basically free rewards.

There are so few such places in Texas, I sometimes forget they exist.

They also bought GM’s credit card business from Capital One for $2.3 billion a couple of years back. 

Plan ahead. If you’re going to a bar or a hospital or to vote or to witness an execution, maybe leave the gun behind at home (at least in Texas).

It defeats at least one of the stated purposes of carrying if you just leave the gun in the car.

And VW has sold almost 30,000 of them through the 3rd quarter of 2023, so not bad.

I turned 16 in 1987 and got a 1986 Trans Am for my birthday. It was a massive piece of shit that turned me off of GM cars for decades.

That’s a horrible way to end an otherwise supportive process. I feel for you.

Hey, I accidentally fit within the guidelines.

This used to be a proper website where a person could quote a classic-era episode of the Simpsons and everybody would chuckle quietly to themselves because they caught the reference.

Tell it to the Germans who bought the nuclear power plant on the Simpsons.

Germans come from the Land of Chocolate.