Mortimer Brewster

When I worked for a minor league baseball team, we had similar insurance. If, for example, a player hit for the cycle, someone present in the stands would win some amount of money. The instances of players hitting for the cycle being so low made the insurance fairly cheap so we could offer a decent amount of prize

I was surprised that my Cadillac XT4 didn’t come with blind spot warning indicators. My base model Kia Optima that I had before had them. But you have to get a higher trim level to have them in the XT4.

I feel the same. She did an amazing job. And Richard E. Grant was wonderful, too.

Having been asked to write a letter of support for someone facing sentencing in a felony trial, I know that I was told to not mention anything about the case and just write about some good things I knew about the person. It was designed to show the judge a different side to the person that didn’t come out in trial. It

Knives don’t generally shoot bullets.

Even if he had a knife, I would think it would be difficult to legitimately fear for your life given the whole car window being in the way and all.

If only this kind of miracle technology could be integrated into something portable I could carry around in my pocket with me at all times.

The Altima starts at $26K.

Honestly, I bought my car to get me where I need to go now, not for what the infrastructure might be like nearly a decade and a half after I bought it. I have never owned a car for anywhere near 13 years. And it is exceedingly unlikely the car I bought (well, leased) last year will still be my car beyond even 2026.

A small high-point for me was Raylan’s “Are you in the book, too, or are you just an asshole?” and then conversation after that in the parking garage. I thought that worked well (especially after setting up that he definitely was an asshole).

Even in the world of 2023, that shooting would probably be justified. Even though Mansell didn’t end up pulling, he broke into a home after murdering a bunch of people, was thought to be armed, and then reached for something in his waistband area.

Just run a cable from the laundry room. It’s industrial chic.

My wife was watching a Love Island the other day, and I said it was nice that they put the review of the show in parenthesis right by the title even if they left off the ‘Y’ (and the ‘C’ if we’re being pedantic).

I don’t know the law in New York, but where I live the law that allows a person to use deadly force in self-defense or defense of others doesn’t allow a person to use deadly force if they are currently in commission of a crime themselves. Stealing someone’s cooler and its contents (and then destroying both) is a

I got a 1990 Mitsubishi Turbo GS for high school graduation. Even with just 190 horsepower, it was a speedy, fairly well-handling car for the time that was fun to drive.

‘Hellraiser’ was the first movie I went to where the theater was strict about not letting in anybody under 17, so I didn’t get to go since I was only 16.

I’m very much enjoying Strange New Worlds, but I may be helped along by the fact that I never really watched the Original Series.

I mean.... what specific aspect of liberalism is it when you get sharks on your highways anyway? Why would relatively high taxes or regulation lead to sharks on the highway?

You’d think he would have remembered the picture from when it was passed off as having taken place in Houston... the place where he lives when it’s not too cold.

As much as I dislike how Tesla uses term like Autopilot and Full Self Driving inappropriately, this is on the driver. Standing water in the road is one of those things I would expect is pretty advanced and difficult for a non-human driver to see in time to slow down to an appropriate speed. It’s hard enough to judge