Mortimer Brewster

I saw a Lyriq in the wild for the first time on Friday (I’d seen one at the dealership before). Not a handsome vehicle in my opinion.

I find it hard to believe that the average driver has driven into wet cement and gotten stuck at least once (or worse) in the early part of their driving experience.

Given that there are a lot fewer robotaxis in operation at any given moment than there are human drivers, a more appropriate comparison measure would be incidents per mile driven.

In the made-for-tv Bandit sequels, Brian Bloom’s Bandit had a similar hat holder in his Dodge Stealth. It was a low point for the character.

The whole, “we had the right to arrest the kid because we enforce the law” is kind of hollow when the law in question actually requires that there be no reasonable alternative to custody AND “the child is endangered, any person would be endangered by the child, to ensure the child’s attendance in court at such time as

It takes four police cars to respond to anything in my town, even pulling over a kid on a moped.

Same... except my wife and I did watch ‘Last House on the Left’ one night, I think. I don’t really remember it, though, so maybe we just talked about watching it and never did.

Those blind spot warning things have probably prevented me from having an accident. Or at least made my lane-changes safer.

It’s certainly a quick way to address the situation as it stood in such a way as to minimize the risk to the largest number of people. And you can’t argue with the result.

I liked living in neighborhoods with alleys and rear-facing garages over what we have now, with somebody else’s backyard adjacent to mine and no alley.

I mean, this house in my neighborhood means on-street parking.

The drugs probably didn’t help, either.

Though the insurance company let me get all the crap out of my oldest son’s car when he totaled it (I was the registered owner), but since it was a non-techy car, I didn’t even think about trying to turn it on and clean out any data.

I’ve watched some Copart auctions on their site, and there are a lot of bids from Mexico that I recall seeing. Though plenty sold in the US, too. 

If you happen to live in a place that has public transit. My town (population around 60K, suburb of Dallas) does not, nor does the different suburb where I work (where I used to work did, and is even getting a train stop soon, but I got laid off from there.. and I’d still have to get two suburbs over to get to the

The articles all note how the family repeatedly reported the abuse to the school only for it to be ignored (and that staff members also mistreated the girl). 

It’s a real shit deal when automakers make faulty products that become unusable for extended periods while providing no alternative for those whose only mistake was being a customer and who need a car to, you know, go to work, etc.

I don’t know that the expanded checks we now use are any better at catching guns than the pre-9/11 system was.

I considered invoking Lemon Law protections (I did insinuate that I would have to invoke the Lemon Laws if they couldn’t get the part, which I think helped motivate GM), but I really just wanted my car fixed. Ultimately, a lot of the problem turned out to be at the dealer level. Once GM got me hooked up with a
