Mortimer Brewster

It must be nice to be able to get the newspaper to cover your service problems. I couldn’t get that done in the three months I wanted for my Nissan Altima to be fixed (several years back) or the ordeal that just ended today on my Cadillac XT4 and its own check engine light coming on.

You should get that massive head injury you’ve obviously sustained checked out by a medical professional.

Drive it into a gentle stream?

As to Fisker, I do like that the Fisker Pear takes a page from the 1972 Buick Roadmaster Station Wagon with its disappearing tailgate.

I am with you on this.



Under Arkansas state law, if foodstuff should touch the ground said foodstuff shall be turned over to the village idiot. 

So if he’d had a carport, this all could’ve been avoided.

Not ignore. Not chase for traffic violations or other non-violent crimes. Cars do tend to have these things called license plates that tie the car to an owner and address. Yes, some cars are stolen and some license plates are sometimes not accurate, but when these chases that do happen end, they are almost always cars

It’s weird how police officers are so willing to put their lives in danger just so they can have a more immediate satisfaction of arresting a suspect after a wreck over doing actual policework and arresting the guy later in a safer manner.

Any idiot can get a Malibu stuck in the mud. I am an idiot who somehow got a J60 Land Cruiser stuck in the mud once.

By the time the officer initiates the PIT, the car is on a road that pretty much ONLY leads to the hospital. It has to go through your mind at some point that the hospital is relevant to the situation (and and that you should maybe not block the road to the emergency room by causing a wreck).

At least the Texas officer who pulled the same shit several years back didn’t prevent the car from getting to the hospital.

Could be, though sometimes that doesn’t come across on screen as bad as in yearbooks to me.

I like it. The rear is a bit Honda Pilot to me, but fine.

Seems like the best reboots are the ones that take the original idea of something that’s not super-well-remembered beyond the title and some general idea and make it into something entertaining to a wide-audience while the worst ones take something that’s fairly well-known and throw a mediocre (at best) reboot out to

Age is such a weird thing because even Stewart still, to me, looks very young while Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson, and Jaclyn Smith all looked more mature when the TV show began even though they were all roughly the same age as Stewart was in the movie.

Dallas suburbs.

Smithers, I’m starting to think this Elon Musk fellow is not the brilliant tactician I thought he was.