Mortimer Brewster

It would be one thing if they simply stayed out of politics altogether, but Disney spends millions on lobbyists to influence legislation (directly) that is important to it and millions on contributions to political candidates, parties, and political groups.

$5 million isn’t even a drop in the bucket of the Doc McStuffins money alone the company has raked in. And now that the creator of the character and show has made all that money for them, they’re not willing to take even the tiniest of steps to stand up in defense of her or others like her.

I have very frequently found one exactly how I’d like it on the lot.

I don’t have any particular insight into the financial position of people who buy EVs these days (plenty of people who have wealth don’t necessarily have high taxable income), but when you start selling them at $40,900 in a world where the average new car sales price is over $47,000, you start to rope in some people

‘Back to School’ is what I always think of when I think of her. And ‘Moving Violations’ after that.

You may save money. If you don’t owe enough in taxes to use up the non-refundable credit, then you don’t get the full amount and it cannot be carried forward or backward.

Doesn’t always save you from bad consequences. My wife traded a car she still owed some money on. New dealership took over two months to pay off the loan on the trade-in. Dinged her credit. Took forever to get the “late payments” removed.

And there’s still a bunch of worthless crap being added in.

It’s not a Coleco. Those Colecos will rust up on you just like that.

There’s no mention of it because BMW didn’t put that in their press release.

I can’t find the number for 2021, but in 2020, Ford exported just over 280,000 vehicles built in the US. If that number held true for 2021, then that’d be slightly more than BMW, though as the article notes we’re talking about the value of the vehicles exported rather than the number when crowning BMW the king of US

No, but removing barriers to export could potentially help manufacturing that’s already here build more cars for export.

Pogue Construction was one of the companies that did extremely shoddy work for a local school district when they built the then-most expensive high school football stadium ever built. Just fixing what they and the engineers screwed up in the original construction reportedly cost $15 million.

I feel like one of my local dealers may be pulling a swicheroo on Maverick orders. They’ve got at least one hybrid Maverick with a $5,000 mark-up over sticker. I was under the impression that the hybrid Mavericks were order-only.

When I go to a doctor, they still do the forehead temperature thing and require masks, and I think places like the Social Security office are still closed to visitors. My wife still wears a mask and shield at work, but she works with immunocompromised kids. A lot of employers in restaurants and whatnot seem to be

I saw a Polestar 2 in the wild for the first time the other day. It looked good.

Now  I want to see NASA frankenstein a bunch of people together to get the best space junk tracking person available.

I refrained from yelling at the officers who were blocking my street which was probably wise since it turns out they’d shown up in force to a call about a man with a gun several houses down from mine threatening to kill himself.

Though they were very much against states having the right to free or otherwise refuse to return “fugitive” slaves in their states.