Mortimer Brewster

If he’s middle aged, where are all the 120 year old people?

I thought for a second you were telling me Martin Sheen blamed one of his own kids for Nicole Brown’s murder, which was an angle I hadn’t thought of before and was interested to hear more details about.

They’re going to get Betty White to add some youth the cast.

My Dad had expressed some vaccine skepticism the other day, and I steered the conversation toward the polio vaccine, which he got when he was a kid. And he talked about how excited he was about the polio vaccine because he had been so afraid of polio, etc. And I asked him why this was different. He didn’t really have

I’m not sure how important the AWD is to a lot of people. Much more common to see the FWD crossovers where I am.

Like dealing with the fall-out of the galaxy realizing Palpatine was still alive but isn’t so much anymore by the time they actually get word.

They cut out the middleman and passed the savings on to... themselves.

I feel like I am not smart enough in the ways required to pull such a thing off to come up with a workable scam.

I have a similar go-round with some of my clients, though when they decide not to listen to me and insist on the impossible, they tend to get a letter from the IRS with assessed penalties and interest along with some muffled laughter from me. 

I don’t live in California. I live in Texas, and while there are some limits on how fast property taxes can grow in a year and sometimes there are exemptions of a small part of the value on homesteads (depending on the taxing district), the value that the assessment is based on is market value.

I pay taxes every year on the estimated value of my house regardless of my income and irrespective of the fact that the value is based on money I’ve not collected (and may never) and isn’t limited to the estimated gains.

You know, they say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is...


I don’t get it.

When I was in high school, a classmate of mine who lived on my block was speeding significantly (though not racing anybody) and got into an accident that killed a woman. He didn’t even get a license suspension, let alone charges brought against him.

This is the best current Texas plate available. It’s got everything you could want. A rando on a bike, a woman’s backside, and an inexplicable exclamation point after the word ‘Trails’ that will show other drivers exactly how excited you are by the concept of a trail.

You can still get the plate with the Space Shuttle and all that above, though. It just costs extra.

If Jeep buyers don’t care, they ought to change the name from Jeep Cherokee to Jeep Hillbilly Who Makes Ned Beatty Squeal Like a Pig.

Ferrari Roma people?

I’ve mostly decided that I was going to get a hybrid Maverick when widely available, but we will see how that turns out once I can actually buy one since I am easily distracted.