
My issue with this is (and has been argued in other court cases) that since there is no stop of the driver it’s not really enforcement, it’s taxation on bad behavior.

Hey bitching ass Uber drivers, start your own goddamn company and run it precisely as you see fit. If they are all so valuable they should group together and start a new car service company.

and you just got hit with the Gawker title wave of middle school level insults. Didn’t realize liberals had so much time to work on cars in between their hand wringing.

This sounds a lot like projection

Regardless if you’re for or against the ban - could someone remind me exactly why we care what celebrities think? Do they get extra votes??

This site has gone ___ minutes without a politically charged post.
The best previous record was ___ minutes.
Do your part to help make a new record.

So saying Ford grew a spine is analysis? Please. Also, this isn’t a Muslim ban, it’s a 7 country temporary ban of nations considered dangerous, even by the Obama administration. So yes, the bias that is said here is getting in the way of the facts. I also voted for Hillary and think this ban is bad, so for me to

May want to take your own advice there chief. This is bias. An analysis would have used fact based opinion without the political slant.


This is a political issue, not a car issue. Will you continue delivering on political car issues in the future? Why have you not talked about car politics in the past? Would you say you are publishing more on it now because its a “hot topic” that gets you more “site traffic”.

While this is a statement from Ford and thus relevant for discussion at Jalopnik, little effort was made at being objective. I can hardly blame people for being tired of this site’s tone.

This is car related, but come on. This isn’t a Muslim ban, it’s a ban of 7 countries that have had issues with terrorism, and a general dislike of America. Do I agree with it? No. But if you’re going to report on this, at least try and not show your bias. Please don’t turn this into Gawker with cars.

Now playing

I’d rather “pretend” car companies still make cars that sound like this...

Yeah, but the frankly juvenile insults about “finally grows spine”, “cowered and bent to Trump”, etc. could be toned down a lot, maybe to something resembling a professional level?

Well at the very least you could be intellectually honest and not call it a Muslim ban. I’m not sure that it will really be effective, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to lie about it.

“This directly concerns a car company, my man”

Maybe try telling the truth instead of promoting your own narrative.

For cryin’ out loud, you know it’s not a ban on Muslims! It’s a ban on countries that have terrorist problems. Your bias is showing!

Wow. I remember when I used to go to Jalopnik to escape FB politics and just read about cars...

Since Muslims are banned, what would happen if a Muslim from, say, Turkey wanted to come to this country?