505 - morphine not found

If i recall his twitter correctly, they had gearbox, or maybe clutch problems. So yeah, the shifts were unnaturally slow - for a reason.

Firstly, on academic levels, i have to disagree with you. There is a huge gap between a no-star car from the 1980s and a 1-2 star car of 2000. Impossibly huge. The art of modelling crashes and minimizing their impact on passengers was still in its infancy back in 1980 (along with computerization), while it was already

??? then what is this?

I'm pretty sure you're wrong about that, as only driven wheels can have inboard brakes (the braking force is transmitted via the halfshafts), and F1 ain't 4wd.

They use 13" today? I thought it just looked that small, because proportions... How do they fit a brake disk big enough in there...?

In this hybrid setup it's not just technically to propulsion systems they really are independent. The gas engine only drives the front wheels, the electric only thee rears and there ain't no prop shaft in between them. And the car is capable of driving with either as the only propulsion.

Now playing

I tried that in the Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrid, which has the same setup (only with a 5-pot diesel up front). It is relaxing.

No, you read that correct, that's how 4x4 with twin engines work. Exactly so in the Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrid, and if i'm not mistaken, in the Lexus RX too.

You're completely right as to the reasons why modern cars are better, faster and safer than the ones we left 20 years in the past. I couldn't agree more. I would also agree as to the reasons and upsides of this. However, the reasons loads of internet jockeys (and some of us IRL too) long for cars more analogue - well,

Could have been, but no.

And we have a winner! Congratulations!


What do i want to see in the new Miata? Me.

2.) Peugeot 505/205

It's for this very reason they use special batteries for S&S systems. Which cost more than double the standard fare, if you ever have to replace them. Talk about savings....?

I rememberd having posted this, though probably wouldn't have looked up the link, cheers.

No, the car sits 10mm lower. So the top of the windshield should be 4inch + 10mm lower.

I know how this will sound, but as an owner, i have to say the plastics really aren't horrible (i.e.: i've experienced much-much vorse in other '80s cars) , and that the buttons are clear and easy to use. Maybe because there aren't that many :-)

Exactly. That's sooooo '80s.

I should have posted that. Nice one.