@HurtsSoGood: Wonder if that's going to help you getting any internal combustion with your parter of choice once he/she opens said compartment to place the gloves.
@HurtsSoGood: Wonder if that's going to help you getting any internal combustion with your parter of choice once he/she opens said compartment to place the gloves.
@duurtlang: Why is it that when your neighbor buys a 911 he's having the midlife crisis, but when you get one, you fulfill your childhood dreams?
@morphine500 - with added audi 5cyl: On a second thought, joy of driving equals "Freude am Fahren" which is the original German slogan - it just seems they didn't translate it up until now, but used a special English one. Whatever, the rant above stays.
Not hailing from the US of A, i don't have the slightest clue as to what this car is. However, looking at the pictures, this does seem to be a nice piece of collectible gem, so i can easily see someone paying the asking price for it. And this equals: nice price!
@kooper: not to prove meself too anal, but that's Lugosi.
There was a time, when the "ultimate driving machine" slogan really applied to all BMW products. Say, 1985. Focused on the driver, capable of going faster than rivals on a real road, built for cornering, and having controls designed with one goal in mind: driver involvement. All their cars, 3-5-6-7 had all this at…
@weatherman: If it was comfortable, spacious (for a two-seater) and made of quality materials - that is, if it really was a crusier, you would have a point. Like, say, a Merc SLK.
I am really unsure about the handling - the European opel/vauxhal derivative got less-than-rave reviews on that part. And that's before i mention horrid cockpit materials and lack of storage space. Oh, and please would someone tell me, what point a small, unrefined, impractical, but powerful and RWD coupe with an auto?
I adored cars for more than 20 years now, and always thought that "start-stop tech" for cars like the M3 would mean something in line of instant power delivery, launch control and carbon-ceramic brakes.
I don't know prices in the states, but if this car is anything close in shape to what it looks like, this would be his excellency, the Royal von Nice Price!
You know, i just read an article (based on many other articles and researches) that the nano-particles puffed out by the modern "super-clean" diesels are in fact more carcinogenic than the black smoke you get from old diesels? These particles are too small for our body to filter out, and get right into our blood.....…
I absolutely adored night-driving - untill one day at 10pm i hit a deer doing 140kmh. It was just suddenly there. Since then i am too tense to enjoy myself, even tough i get your point and agree with it.
I couldn't agree less on the interior - , in my opinion the pricier Volvos have materials to chose from to make BMW blush and Audi look nervous. I don't mean there's anything wrong with the German three, and Volvo IS some way off when it comes to chassis tuning or engine choice, but interior design...? They are there…
If only he would've just simply bolted in a turboed Volvo 5cyl, then it would at least make some sense. Still, for all the innards, the outer shell is just too underwhelming. Why not chose an interesting skin, if you change everything under it anyhow?
You don't have to be a gearhead to have cars interfere with your love life. You don't have to know anything about your drive to get a puncture in the rain while en route to the theatre with the lady on your right, and you don't have to know anything about cars to chose the one that fits your number of offspring…
There is no way this isn't nice-a-price.
@Porscheguy79: Oh yes it does. Even though i thought i am over wanting a porsche, i never am. And this is an astonishing summary.
@joneez wants the clunkers he paid for: Cupholders are overrated. I can hold the wheel with my knee while unscrewing the bottle.
@Twonius: well figures. there was something wrong with the fuel lines in the millenium falcon too, no? i just wonder if this buick owner understands the satnavs beeps'n'whistles while 3po isn't around...
@Peter Orosz: I am not sure if we met or not, but i know the time you posted about the firing order of some Lambo V12 ;-) anyhow, glad to help if you really need it let's have a coffee some time!