if only you lived up to your user name
if only you lived up to your user name
Yeah, for sure. And I commented on BCE, but the shitty part of all this, to me, is that this motherfucker just threw away 3.5 million dollars. Meanwhile, most people are struggling to afford food and rent.
Fuck money.
If it’s ripping off a regular amount of money, it’s shitty. If it’s ripping off 3.5 million, there’s no such thing as a person who spent that kind of money on Pokemon cards who doesn’t deserve to be ripped off.
I mean sure, but they still made millions out of it...hell...still do. So why should they give a fuck about it? The Customers are the ones that enable them in the end. You are voting with your wallet. And this shitstorms mean absolutely nothing when people in the end throw money at them.
If customers say its way more…
It’s still a ton of useful raw materials that are going to end up in a dump or otherwise destroyed out of “principle” instead of being recycled back into useful products when the industry is dealing with mass scarcity, so... It still sucks?
They could always be disassembled for recovery of raw materials, and it becomes much harder to sort everything for recycling once it’s been smashed into small pieces.
Honestly... THAT kind of advertising is acceptable. Ads during loading times are NOT ok... I’m skeptical that loading times can be artificially inflated to prolong ad exposure.
Considering the Navy navigates vast oceans and rough seas, you’d think they’d be better at handling streams.
Honestly, I just want to play the games. I’m not a console or PC loyalist. Microsoft understands people like me and wants to make their games as accessible as possible to a wide audience.
“I think the SW fandom’s inability to accept its previously idealistic hero being depicted as having become an old and cranky man who denounces the organisation he used to believe in is proof positive that”
You misspelled Rogue One.
The Last Jedi is the best of the Disney Star Wars movies, too.
Star Wars sucked, but Rian Johnson is still a good director. Looper still holds up. Disney is the one who should be blamed by not making sure the entire trilogy was written and hashed out before they started filming.
Protein simulation is one of the most computationally intensive branches in the field, one of those things where there’s more possible solutions than there are atoms in the universe and all that. Also the best known algorithms are still vulnerable to things most search algorithms are, such as local maximums.
So, China being China. Hiding stuff from its population in fears of bad rep. Yeah, it actually took them longer than what I imagined. The game developer clearly states that this is just a game, not a simulation. COVID-19 hasn’t been contained in their country due to their own censoring laws. The number of cases is…
Is it really so unfathomable to Americans that people can vote for increased taxes on themselves when those taxes make sense?
“And now, our newest addition, Droidekas! please ignore the fact that they were also playable and less buggy on the PS2 Battlefront 2”
Oh man remember when they hid this in Rogue Squadron for months until Episode I came out? That blew my mind as a kid.