I’ll solder my 770 till then end of time or I have to or switch to AMD
I’ll solder my 770 till then end of time or I have to or switch to AMD
Both have been the main characters in the TV-Show 逃げるは恥だが役に立つ (The Full-Time Wife Escapist), that’s a manga/show about a “contract marriage” story between the characters portraied by Gakki and Gen
Have the devs not stated that there is an option to play a mode without speaking characters?
This game ended my long lasting EA boycot. I am Playing the campaign on Ace and peeked into MP for a moment. I like the price tag for what I got so far.
don’t touch the dices, makes a good probability statistic >_<
Oh please bring us an epically beautiful Nausicaä poster
Tungsten is way to common, make it Beskar please
Thanks for this fun read!
and they use an edit of Two Steps From Hell’s “None Shall Live” like beeing used in the first Aquaman Trailer?!
then I have been really lucky ;D
that’s cool. I love the manga and the movie.
I hope one day, there will be the possibility of a well prosecuted live action interpretation but based on the manga storyline.
wonder how you watch the rest of a ‘Trilogy’ without the later two on Netflix
oh man you have no idea how much I would like to go there again right now. Stop adding salt. The K11 Atelier looks still the same back when I have been there. Any idea when this picture has been taken?