pleep ploop

How long until they wear out compared to cheaper flats? I was eyeing a pair at Nordstrom Rack but it’s terrifying to spend so much on flats if they don’t have longevity.

How long until they wear out compared to cheaper flats? I was eyeing a pair at Nordstrom Rack but it’s terrifying to

There’s a note that says this list is for countries with $30,000 per capita GDP. A quick google search tells me China has $6,800 per capita GDP so we really don’t know how bad China is compared to America.

My phone works just fine as an alarm clock cause I’ve got alarm clock #2 on standby to make sure I hop my ass out of bed: hungry dog.

As a fellow chapped lipper, I solved this by buying Clinique chubby sticks. Have you had any luck with those?

I got an $80 hair straightener that way! But I was too grossed out to check the clothes for left behind loot.

Reading this and the linked “was a dick” article, it sounds like the emotional abuser is as clear as day.

Agreed. Especially after starting off the morning with today’s Google Doodle African-American journalist and suffragette Ida B. Wells.

That Noisey Vice article is the shit.

And their chubby stick is amazing for hydrating my lips and making it look like I give a damn about putting on a touch of makeup. They rock, so whatev

This millenial buys Clinique cause it’s the only thing affordable at Sepora besides Sepora brand. Also, I go to Sepora to eye all the beautiful things outside my price range.

I have a friend who was date raped. She was completely sober, but when she said no in the bedroom, he continued to carry on. Drugs are to date rape what stranger rape is to the umbrella term rape. They make the whole situation more clear cut, but really they are just one version of this violent act.

Date rape is rape, but the word rape can have strong connotations that make people uncomfortable. Loretta Young was raped according to her story, but since she was flirting with Gable while they were filming, she did not feel like she could use the word “rape” to explain it.

Loretta Young’s daughter in law, Linda, did a great job of explaining date rape.

How do you shower with your hair in a braid/crown? Do you skip the shampoo/conditioner portion until the end of the week? What constitutes a good crown? I’m dying to try this out.

A little bit of column A, and a little bit of column B.

That cathedral looks auh-mazing!

That Instagram pic. What lipstick is she wearing cause this brown girl’s gotta have it? Teach me your bad as fuck Desi ways Sanam.

America is about being an individual, not one of many. But yes, from my experience the poor and middle class see more value in community than the wealthy. Now if only we could get people to stop voting against their own community.

It’s the “get mine” mentality of American individuality. People are taught that they come first, then community. This can be a good thing, but politically a bad thing.

The the Miller brewery tour is interesting and all, but Madison is where it’s at. Only $10 to fill a growler with microbrewed beer a short walk from my apartment. Bliss.