“We already do. They don’t pay road tax. They get huge government subsidies. If your tech needs THAT much encouragement, your tech sucks.”
(glances over at the oil industry)
“We already do. They don’t pay road tax. They get huge government subsidies. If your tech needs THAT much encouragement, your tech sucks.”
(glances over at the oil industry)
gravity assist to 65 ain’t all that fast. how does 183 on salt sound?
world record is held by a woman slipstreaming at bonneville.
Just wanted to chime in to say this is an awesome article. I wish there was more of this stuff (the article, not assholes screwing people over)
Despite the Bible banning usury and interest, America is a Christian nation for having the highest interest and usury rates in the world.
That small Mahindra pick-up truck that was supposed to come here several years ago, promising small, efficient diesel engine and low price. But then failed to deliver on any of it and never showed up.
The $100,000 fine should have a $50,000 destination fee added to it.
I mean, there was a whole show devoted to “restoring” rare numbers matching ‘69 mopars by digging a rusted and crushed hulk out of a forest or a dump, salvaging the block and the vin tag and “restoring” it by building an entirely new car out of NOS and repro parts then welding in the old vin tag and doing an acid dip…
Or you can even just take it to Jiffy Lube and they’ll top it off for free. That’s what I did when I had a Genesis 5.0. The kids working there never cared that I didn’t get the oil changed there; never even asked.
“If the punishment for a crime is a fine, than that law only exists for the poor”
Every Corvette, individually. Collectively, they are plentiful, but each one is one of only 38 ever produced with these specific options.
That pales in comparison to making people wear a mask, or get a vaccine. /s
Damn it DaSilva, expect some sad donuts on your lawn. I mean, I have a wheezy little Mazda instead of a bitchin’ Camaro, but I assume if I go in reverse and dump the clutch I could get at least a couple in.
Looks like you forgot to ding dang your dang a long ling long.
Left turns around crosswalks are extremely dangerous. People making left turns can’t always see people in the crosswalk and they are focused on on-coming traffic.
Not saying this wasn’t the inevitable outcome for this employee… but, Tesla doesn’t have a Public Relations team.
A quick man might have a weapon hidden under there.