I’m sure Joe Manchin is ready for the coal industry to give up it’s 4 billion a year coal subsidy’s....
I’m sure Joe Manchin is ready for the coal industry to give up it’s 4 billion a year coal subsidy’s....
so a quick perusal of businesses near the NC capitol building, and there’s
wonder if they have to set up spill containment areas before they pump.i remember seeing a truck convoy being fueled and there was plastic under the trucks and sandbags all round, in case of a spill.
plus the fact that car manufacturers now design engines to be used worldwide. if Europe and China have tougher restrictions, that’s the regulations they’re designing to. they may tweek the fuel systems for each market, but they aren’t going to design engines for just one market. except the Blackwing....
i hope they do another rotary engine.
at least as many as the SSR...about 24K? maybe?
he has a brake light out. totally his fault.
they will rename it Mutter if he takes over.
not for nothing, be DiCaprio was the reason the ship sank in the movie. there was the chase through the ship where he left all the bulkhead doors open, then he distracted the iceberg watch by making out on the bow.
i don’t know about cars, but 67 was the first year for a synchro 1st in the C10. and the 2-3 synchro for a 66 is tough to find, and break pretty frequently
the Czech Bistella is a supercharged 10 cylinder 2 stroke radial. featured in British mag Classic Bike
are they turning the convoy around and heading to Texas instead of California? where the hell are they now???
What ever happened to the kid in Waller, Texas that hit 6 bicyclists? they charged him and then....nothing.
so is ASCAP or BMI going after that officer for commercial use of copyrighted material? since he said it was on his phone, it should be his bill....
“held together with packing tape. Some shortcuts are expected with a prototype”
isn’t this also true of the production models?
I’m going over to the local Alfa dealer tomorrow, and putting my name on a list to buy the next gen Guilia, then putting my spot on the list up for auction on BaT. I don’t even need the car!
who did you think was running BaT?
there’s always a chance they’re tourists that rented the pontoon boat. maybe.