
Most of Robert Bloch’s Trek episodes were pretty bad. He had a lot of high-minded ideas that just didn’t translate to Star Trek. That being said, while “Catspaw” is pretty terrible, I do genuinely love the reveal of the aliens at the end. It’s very unique they way it’s handled (and if you look very closely, you can

Man I hope the PoX Keyboard and Slim Pen will work with the Pro 7. I don;t have much use for a weaker chip, but that keyboard-with-pen-storage-AND-charger is EXACTLY when I’ve been hoping for since getting my Pro 3.

Oh my god, stop doing “direct sequels” to movies that already have sequels. Either have the conviction of your vision to call it a reboot, or have the strength of belief in the franchise as a whole to feel you can do a good followup to the previous, probably bad movie in the franchise. OR JUST MAKE SOMETHING ORIGINAL.

And because 3D tickets were more expensive than regular tickets, and since it was billed as a 3D EXPERIENCE movie, the first must-see-in-3D in recent memory, most of it’s ticket sales were the more expensive ones.

Wait. Is that Clem Fandango...?

Yeah, this feels like bullshit. The ONLY TV I watch is Netflix and Youtube, and I haven’t even HEARD of a bunch of the shows on this list.

Remember when people were turning their iPod Nanos into watches? Circle of life!

No Iron Giant? For SHAME...

I discovered Concrete in college, and he remains one of my all-time favorite characters. I still lend out my DHP collections and floppies of Killer Smile, Think Like a Mountain, Fragile Creatures, and the Human Dilemma to my friends.

Yeah, also this.

That’s the thing: almost every one of his movies in his long career has been fraught with problems and setbacks. The one common element: Terry Gilliam.

Oh, I get the title “Mission Impossible: Fallout” now. Because Tom Cruise done falled-out of the plane.

Good points, all, but I’ve STILL never seen a theater react the way it did with the Howard the Duck stinger. There were shouts and people flipping their respective shit.

Ironhide, yeah. Sniff. :,(

There was nothing gentle about the way Starscream turned to ash.

Who...cares? I think Zuck is a shit, but as a fellow shortstuff, this is a pretty crummy thing to write about. I mean....seriously?

Give us the U.S.S. Flagg/Broadside crossover we’ve (I’ve) dreamed of.

Everything I’ve ever heard first-hand about him is that he’s a really nice guy. I’m glad he had a sense of humor about himself.

The posture thing sounds like he’s basically using the Alexander Technique. I’m 5'4" and probably look 5'2" with my terrible posture. The Alexander Technique helps, and anecdotally, has helped with my TMJ (pulling my spine, shoulders and neck into alignment seems to also help pull my jaw back into alignment).

I like my cheapo battery-powered $15 electric Oral B brush. I just swap out the rechargeable AAs every couple of months. No cords, no grossifying charger stand. Way less expensive. But it uses the same heads as their $99 brush.