why not?
Well according the NHTSA the PT was a small truck, sooo......
I think the Patriots are also in talks to purchase the NFL, but they promise promise promise that they wont change anything
So its the Race version of the replica of the Racing version of the Street version?
Some rich guy came in and bought most of the project
Im gonns be honest i missed that part
But cmon, its 2019. Cant be that difficult to access a website from a US based IP
of F1 TV? 12 bucks a month for all races plus old seasons?
What setting? I’ve played around with that exact one and no luck
Ive been through a dozen chrome extentions and adblock settings trying to get around that to no avail. Given up and just muted every GMG tab by default
+1 for Letterkenny gif, -1 for the opinion
Hasn’t yet, i’ve muted many times
I get that but then i dont listen to any GMG video without unmuting, finding the video i DONT want playing and mute it manually
Have ublock origin and until today it always had them on mute
Same. what the fuck did they change???
*Fingers Crossed they don’t mention that while the bridge is being raised, the road bed is being raised as well, so the total clearance is going to remain the same.
Kinda hard when they can recognize the scenery. Mexico only works for ultra-excited onboard face cams
Need a Union to bargain with the Union for more pay