
A lot of people are shitty parents though. Doing this trick can save the lives of kids with shitty parents.

if you believe the accuser then you presume the guilt of those they accuse, if you don’t then you assume the guilt of the accuser as a liar.

a functional power grid?

Are we serious now that anyone who refuses to actively denounce the president in every context is MAGA?

Billy Haisley burner spotted.

The helpful and informed man at the bar the other day advised me that, in fact, all soccer players are gay.

I think France will struggle to get service to the front line. Russia is really good at stretching the field and has a defense that is compact and difficult to break down.

I’m really struggling with the idea that a wealthy middle aged white guy would say something racist. I’m not saying this is all bullshit, but I WILL say that all lives should matter, you know?

Really enjoying Lauren’s coverage of what has been a really fun, exciting World Cup!

“an English Premier League team that have historically been associated with Jewish fans”


Tunisia *IS* fucked.

lmfao @ the title of this article considering an American wrote it.

Stop the Euro-cosplaying. In America, a country is a singular noun. You just sound ridiculous.

Nope! I’ll see you again next May, when I make a note to purchase fresh mint a couple days out from Saturday and start getting pumped for The Most Exciting 2 Minutes In Sports all over again, despite the fact that I will only know what horses are running 15 to 30 minutes before the post time.

For the love of god, please yes

If this thread shows up as the last item in Anthony Bourdain’s internet history, I won’t be shocked.

My Dad has spent years arguing that it is 5 games above .500. The fact that he is British should tell you that the true answer is 10 games above .500.

Owen Sharts has an impressive spray chart, isn’t afraid to get his uniform dirty, and rarely just whiffs at the plate.