their fault for their new Ambien wing sauce
their fault for their new Ambien wing sauce
For those about to scoff, we salute you.
Anyone who’d turn down a starting job to remain a backup clearly doesn’t have what it takes to win a championship.
“Unlike in past years of Braves misery, the rotation is suddenly an asset.”
Ok, so I’m only 29, but my knowledge of baseball in the 21st century doesn’t remotely compare to my knowledge of baseball in the 20th century and this sentence is making me feel really old.
Actually the fans show up late in four, five, six.
So dumb
I feel bad for him. The fact Mayweather is an ignorant misogynistic asshole isn’t entirely unrelated to the fact he clearly was never taught to read. The fact he grew up impoverished and black in America clearly had a lot to do with the latter.
No you can’t, Barry.
Just fucking call it a draw after 11, 12, whatever. Why go thru this mindblowingly idiotic process that changes the fundamental structure of the game?
Spanish speaking countries are great places for serving missions because you can usually find Jesus
If words and phrases no longer have any offensive connotations to 99.9% of people, why bother? Languages evolve over time, these phrases have completely divorced themselves from their origins. Literally no one is complaining about this.
White knighting and virtue signaling at its finest.
The day after the conference championship game I said I’m going to start drowning orphans every time I hear about the RPO. Needless to say several orphanages have many open beds and it’s not like they had parents who cared for them anyways
A pitch clock sounds terrible. The beauty of the game is that it is 27 outs, no clocks, no quarters, or halves. Now we are going to have a play clock on the outfield wall so we spend all our time arguing if he get the pitch off on time?
Also, McNabb was good.
That’s an absolutely terrible call. That perfectly illustrates the issue with the rule. He has full control from his own 48 to the Bills’ 46, taking three steps and turning upfield before the ball is punched out (which is before he hits the ground so “going to the ground” doesn’t apply here). That’s catch and fumble.
And I remember right not just Bert’s catch but Megatron’s and james’ were both ruled catches at the time and only overturned on replay.
I’ve found a lot of the hand wringing over this ridiculous. But this take I agree with.