
It’s a sans-serif all-caps font(might be Industry Black?). Whomever transcribed it from the image decided it should be ALL CAPS in Times New Roman(on my browser), which has serifs. 

I have never played Overwatch. I just like fonts.

points for hannah gadsby but i think ive only seen people call him the turtle pope personally :( 

This is cultural , the japanese gaming industry always threatened us western gamer like low peasant not worth of their stuff... How many games they never brought here.... Have you ever saw a japanese execs aside from Kojima speak in english to its western audience ? like fucking never. They are stuck in their ivory

Her expression is pretty much my mood for the entirety of this year.

I feel like in western media, Tomoyuki Takechi doesn’t get nearly enough credit for what Squaresoft was. He was the President of Squaresoft from 1990 - 2000, and the Chairman of Squaresoft from 2000-’01, shortly before the merger with Enix (‘03).

As someone who is in a similar position (LOVED square during and before the psone days and into the ps2 and feel like I have watched the company deteriorate ever since) I think its some combination of Sakaguchi leaving and the merger with Enix, which I believe happened relatively close together and are likely related.

Love the analogy and the insights. I wonder if they were always like that or was my beloved Squaresoft (responsible for some of my favorite games of all time: FFIV, FFVI, Chrono Trigger, etc.) also similarly aloof, demanding, and entitled?

Having worked with SE in the past (I was part of a smaller company they owned), I can say it is the most soulless, rapacious, clueless bunch of morons I have ever worked with in an industry that has no shortage of those.

I assumed this was either a take on “be gay do crime” or a shot at Disney’s habit of gay coding villains, the latter of which seems particularly relevant here.

Yeah it took me a while to realize that the assassining was my least favorite parts of the assassin’s creed series.

...Well, the tedious modern world stuff was the worst. But I really just liked the exploration, platforming, and the very rare puzzle.

And the open world piracy, but that’s not surprising. I had hundreds

Likely a spinoff of the “Gay people are above the law” meme.

I felt that My Time at Portia leaned a little more on the schedule management side of these games than Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon do, with some pretty oppressive and front-and-center calendars that you’re racing against when deciding who to talk to and what resource nodes to visit each day. That’s the part of

From our understanding, the Frieza race have one biological sex. We do not know if they present any (or many) genders. Which is where the conversation related to bisexuality/pansexuality ultimately leads to.

To the game topic, though. Frieza on Namek would disagree, I think, provided they had something Frieza wanted

Every time I consider buying or installing a ubisoft game I remember that means I also have to deal with uplay, and then I just play something else. I think the last ubisoft game I paid for was black flag, and I got it for...$7, I think?

The section in Spider-Man where you play as unpowered Miles hiding from Rhino was very intense and made me want a Marvel or DC (or Invincible) game where you’re a regular person trying to survive a super villain attack. Dragonball games have an iffy track record, but this sounds like it fits that bill quite nicely.

Frieza’s Japanese pronouns are pretty fluid towards the neutral spectrum depending on how he’s feeling, but masculine-leaning. He/him should be uncontroversial, but not exclusive nor wholly absolute.

they (as far as we know) only have a single Sex but they could have any number of genders :)

Yeah, I think the correct term for Frieza would be pansexual. His (their?) preference transcends gender and biology (I.e., species) if you take his comments about Yamcha seriously.

Be careful on your follow up questions, or you’ll end up thinking things like “if we met an equally intelligent alien species that evolved from canines, and they had compatible sexual organs to humans, would it be considered zoophilia? Should we discourage sexual intercourse with these aliens? Wouldn’t that be an

Star Citizen. That kickstarter was ten years ago. It’s now crowdfunded more than $400M and was supposed to launch in 2014. The most generous take is that the devs got in over their heads and are woefully inept. More likely it’s just a vaporware scam. And that sucks because they have cool ideas; they’re just either