
The vibe is very intentionally and consciously Souls-y in the trailer, so I think it’s fair to make the connection.

Well there’s obviously the inevitable:

Foalframe: Breeding horses to get the #1 racehorse; and perhaps the #1 companion

Goalframe: Futuristic socccer...that’s too easy
Coalframe: Coal mining back in the 19th Century, also having to protect coal shipments from being stolen by other players

The lack of character development and earned emotional moments has been an ongoing issue for me in nearly all of the MCU films. I’m sure that part of it is the studio relying on the built-in love from comics fans to fill in the gaps in the stories, but that’s a problem for someone who hasn’t read a comic in over

and also agreed to never seek employment with law enforcement in the future

I always go to directly just so every time I come here, it adds to whatever analytics say “hey, they were redirected to this specific way”. My little way of saying this should be a standalone site again.

I don’t think it’s really that complex. I imagine it went down something like:

Nintendo owns it. They bought it, and largely pay for the series. Technically, they share publishing rights with Sega I believe, but that really only matters for Bayonetta 1.

Doesn’t take a legal genius to see there’s really only two options: he has to buy twitter as originally agreed and eat shit, OR he settles with Twitter for many billions and eats shit.

So many times they have a little bench, and a sign at a designated spot so he knows where to stand when it happens.

“I’m gonna need you to take the hit on this, Devin. You know I’ll make it up to you.” - DJT moments before pushing Nunes under a express bus.

Haha, remember when he tried to shake down Ukraine for aid money because his buddy Putin told him they had a super secret server with dirt on Biden?  Moron.

A bit of hype, a bit of marketing, a bit of increase in quality, a bit of diminishing returns, and a bit of genuine extra costs (in varying proportions in every case). As far as costs go, 25-year-old whisky for example loses probably 40 to 50 percent of the barrel to evaporation during aging (more depending on the

The anal pear, like most of the more extreme “medieval” torture methods, was probably a hoax. Another example is the iron maiden -- the oldest known examples are from the 19th century, built for exhibitions.

*Attending the Alabama-Auburn “Iron Bowl” football game in late November with 80% of the attendees drunk as hell, and knowing there’s going to be a massive brawl before you can reach the exits. You don’t see everything on TV, you know.

• Massively polluting without responsibility
• Covid petri dishes
• Food poisoning regular occurrence
• Nowhere to go if you’ve had enough
• Could turn into the horror film Deep Rising
What a holiday!

You sound like boring people. Please stay far away from the rest of us

I got the game when it first came out on PS4 but avoided playing it after all the technical issues came to light. I finally got a PS5 last month and jumped in, man I’m glad I waited, the game is a blast, I love the world, and so far I haven’t had any major issues with bugs (one crash in 30+ hours and occasionally

Somewhat off topic, but the game runs surprisingly well on the Steam Deck, even the GOG version, which requires a third party launcher to run and likely isn’t as optimized as the native Steam version.