Morgana's Bust

Rectum?................It damn near killed him

Doesn’t the NFL own all the logos? I don’t know how that works, but there’s gotta be some sort of rule against using logos for political/government purposes.

Why do I think that conservative media will not be filled with ‘Stick to sports,” takes over this one.

Oh, go eat a wet burrito and an It’s-It, wouldya, NorCal boy?

This happened probably, like, decades before you were born. I mean, obviously not a good look, but more or less ancient history at this point.

Or wear linen suits and Ray Bans...

To require someone to be patriotic is fundamentally un-American. The freedom to publicly state, I am ashamed of my country is the most American thing there is, from the very start of this nation. This is the same mistake made 50 years ago punishing the American act of protest, to make America better.

If I’m not mistaken, playing anthems before sporting events started in WWII to double-down on nationalism. Not that it’s likely in the current climate, but a REALLY EASY way to de-politicize sports would be to not play a fucking national anthem before every event.

It does seem like a really fundamental misreading of their audience. I have a lot of soccer fan friends/family, and I have a lot of conservative friends/family, and there is zero overlap in that Venn diagram.

Because its a job

Players can represent their country only, apparently, if they’re willing to represent the version of the country in which U.S. Soccer is most interested in selling.

Potential issues. He’s suffered an elbow flexor strain in the past, for example. And his pitching motion makes you wonder about his arm.


It’s clear the Kings only have to move up one space.


WTF, How fucking old are you? This is such dinosaur bullshit. Don’t support him? “people who chose his way”. What rock did you crawl out form under. Only good thing I can say about you is maybe you are closer to death then most. What a total asshole comment.

The middle east was the height of culture and civilization at one point in time.

Vying to be the next Kellyanne Conway might not be a bad career move

So she’s suggesting that people physically assault people concerned about sexual assaults?

“He responded by saying ‘you are dishonest to your federation”

All of them?