Morgana's Bust

As a Red Sox fan, I feel that Levine handled this perfectly.

Both Tom Perez and Keith Ellison are excellent choices. Either one will be an advocate for progressive causes. I would pick Perez only because I would rather the DNC chair not be an active member of congress and have to be worried about his or her own seat, but Ellison’s great as well.

I wouldn’t fuck with Oak at his funeral.

Fuck that. There’s a reason Chipotle and Qdoba charge extra for guac and just slop salsa on like it’s ketchup.

Diarrhea for an upper decker, big solid log in the urinal.

Just the ol’ “make up random shit to emphasize a shitty point” tactic. It still works.

They’re in San Francisco. I’m sure they’re doing just fine.

Yeah, that’s terrible, unlike Dad running to the national press to try and sabotage his son’s success at work. He seems like a really supportive sweetheart and not at all a manipulative sociopath.

Thank God there’ll finally be something to do in Las Vegas.

On the flip side, I’m really hoping the Vegas Stadium is named “PornHub Coliseum.”

You’re talking about fights between Raider fans and other Raider fans, yes? Not sure anything else will be possible.

This whole thing is so goddamn stupid.

Spurs mattered to Chelsea just now.

Look, I don’t care who you support and you probably shouldn’t give two shits about who I support, either. I’m just bored of fuckbois who show up in the comments section of *any* soccer post with some version of “LOL well [Team Y] sucks so this is all irrelevant,” and think they’re adding anything original. Be funny,

Thank you, this was very insightful and not at all what a 15-year-old who loves all of Liverpool, Barcelona, and Bayern Munich equally would post in the comments of an ESPNFC article.

do you mean three games at the Euros where Roy fucking Hodgson was making him take corners? He’s not even 25 yet.

I thought the whole point of Brexit is that you could say this stuff now

That’s at least a step up from 11th division. Where you earn your kit by begging for change outside your local Tesco.

+1 Make the U.K. great again.

I thought the whole point of Brexit is that you could say this stuff now