Morgana's Bust

I’m starting to get the idea that Dolan might be an asshole.

He looks like he’s sweating tuna oil.

I love that this fuckhead is too intolerant even for a group that didn’t allow black women to try out until 1987.

Usually unwise to pick up so many discarded Trojans.

And yet somehow, in terms of career humiliations, this barely ranks in Kiffin’s top five.

That guy being bald was a total plot twist.

Aren’t those synonyms?

This post is too long for me to read. Someone spoil it for me. Is it because he’s black or because he’s brash?

This would get a lot more views if the headline read ‘cheerleader goes down on cousins’

That’s just Draymond’s knee-jerk reaction, though.

Who would ever want to live in San Diego if there’s no perennial 8-8 NFL team there? It’s like hell on earth.

No that is complete bullshit. This is absolutely the fault of the owners. They are immensely wealthy individuals who hold these cities hostage by exploiting the passion of the fans that have supported their team. Yes the politicians should tell these owners to go fuck themselves but that’s easier said than done

Yeah, sure...if you want to play in a stadium without panda pelt rugs in the luxury boxes like a bunch of damn savages...

They beat them in four out of seven games that mattered

That’s why cops always yell “stop resisting” as they are beating a guy. Then all the eye witnesses keep parroting the same line.

Hundreds of thousands of angry, drunk fans with guns. What could possibly go wrong?

I’m going to start a bar fight tonight with those words. I will report back on Monday.

I can’t believe the playoff selection committee won’t let those raped kids get the closure they need!

Fuck Gus Johnson, fuck Penn State, fuck Joe Paterno, and fuck Donald Trump (just because).

Reputation is putting it lightly: