
What is Bran’s motivation for telling Jon about his parentage in episode one? If he’s so focused on defeating the Night King, why throw this wrench into things by potentially splitting these allies?

There a couple of reasons why Dany’s death wouldn’t be pointless:

This mostly reminds people how few quality moments there are spread across 22 entire movies

I’m really happy Bruhl’s Zemo survived. I have high hopes he returns in a future movie, either an Under Siege or Thunderbolts adaptation.

Both villain plans in BvS and Civil War rely on implausible turn of events that said villains would have no way of foreseeing.

This is why Civil War worked so well and Batman V Superman fell so damn hard. Civil War made everything personal. The fights between Cap and Iron Man felt so real and destroying because they were friends, they had a personal edge to them. We cared about these characters and the bond they had built up over the

I’m not sure it’s such a cheap narrative device when the villain has a gemstone that controls time, and when that villain was already shown reversing time.

He could play the game about as good as anyone else....

That was hilarious.

Counter point, perhaps the people that have been there for years should have been doing a better job off addressing the needs of their constituents and not just solidifying their power by trying to triangulate the american people into supporting them.

The gratuitous boobs made me more nostalgic for the earlier seasons than the Jon-Arya reunion. 

That boy on the wall scene was just horrifying. It’s like the scene from “Aliens” when the Marines find the victims glued to the wall and one of them begs to be killed before screaming and, yes, being set on fire.

Mood whiplash done right:

But it doesn’t, really. The Unsullied and Dothraki and Yara and the two dragons are loyal to Dany, not to the Iron Throne, so they don’t care who Jon’s parents are. The Northern lords are loyal to the Starks and hate the Targaryens, so they don’t care who Jon’s parents are. And Cersei has zero claim to the throne

The monarchy will be overthrown. Westeros will become an anarcho-syndicalist commune with the leader of each great house taking turns as sort of an executive officer. All the decisions of that officer must be ratified by a council of representatives from each house by a simple majority in the case of purely internal

What are the odds on Jamie stabbing Cersci in the back like he did the Mad King?

Although I hate to reference this, I’m reminded of an episode of The Cosby Show when Cliff is dreaming that all the men are pregnant because of something in the water (or something like that). They’re, as expected, miserable. I wish for events like that all the time.

I wish the aliens from xenomorph were real so that we could impregnate every single person against safe legal abortion with the alien baby and make them carry that shit to term till it tears out their fucking chests.

We have no idea what his brother Joey thinks since he wasn’t this dumb. The only place worse for him than San Francisco would be New York. Guess who is behind San Francisco if they decide to pass? The NY Jets and The Giants are at 6. The issue here isn’t just the tweets it’s the fact that he won’t even own them. For

I did not know this about the Bosas. Drag him, bruh. Drag him.