
Right?! I was definitely kissing boys when I was 11. My mom delights in talking about how I had this big, obvious crush on my 17-year-old cousin when I was 3. I would actually blush when he came around (probably because he was nice to me and even then I sensed his “coolness,” lol), and I remember exactly how it felt

“Why is this ok?! A child doesn’t know who they are at this age.”

Maxine seems the ONLY powerful, older Dem who fucking gets it, and I LOVE her. Meanwhile we have Nadler and Schiff and others ‘asking a second time’ for things like the tax returns or the Mueller report, and I don’t know what the FUCK is wrong with these old bastards. 

“I’m gonna be late for my meeting!”

The problem is Schiff and others are trying to play the polite game with impolite people.. And that won’t work.. Ms. Waters knows how to stern to tell them (in political speak) STFU and answer the damn question.

You inherited the greatest economic prosperity the world has ever seen. And how did you use it? You did all the drugs in the 60s. You had all the sex in the 70s. You made all the money in the 80s. And you won all the elections in the 90s. And each time, you rolled the carpet up behind you. You’ve coasted for the last

Stories like this remind me why I love movies.

Actual cool story, bro!

My son was six when this came out and had seen some of the other movies at home, but got a little freaked out by some of the scarier scenes, so I didn’t take him to this one either. I saw it, drove home, told him and my wife to get dressed, and drove right back to the theater with them. I watched him instead of the

“(and with it the ability to project power in the Lannisters’ home region)“

I think this is fair, but: this is why they also had Euron sneak in right afterward and destroy Dany’s ships that landed the Unsullied, so that they’re either bottled up in the Rock or would need to march overland and abandon it anyway in order

Completely agree. Between the music and the editing/direction, it just build and builds the tension until you can barely breathe by the end of it. Hands down the best 20 minutes of TV I’ve ever seen.

It’s great how they have Margaery be the only one who notices right away that things are off, and that they should all be worried. She was the one person that played the game as well or better than Cersei. She’s nicer than Cersei, but their instincts are exactly the same and it is fitting that she is the first to

As much as I love Margaery, she wasn’t necessary for the battles with the Night King. Her strengths were in palace intrigue- there’s not much use for that with where the show is. The explosion in the Sept did kill off all the King’s Landing/who sits on the Iron Throne intrigue but the show’s moved way past that.

Guess what HASN’T increased since “your day”?

Minimum wage.  

She combined concern for other people with political tact and strategic thinking,

God, yeah. I liked it a lot when I first watched it. It was thrilling, but it felt...well, not “modern.” It was pulpy, which I go is what they were going for, and, overall, I thought it was good and fine. Rewatching it after The Winter Soldier, and I got it. I saw how every Cap story since reverberated out from this

That’s a great callout; I always love that scene. Like they specifically show that Cap may not seem much compared to a thunder god, a metal man, or a hulk, but he’s an incredible, rallying leader. They get so many character beats exactly right in the first Avengers and it’s so fun watching them bounce off each other.

An amazing sequence that still makes me sad because it killed the character most worthy of actually sitting on the Iron Throne — Margaery. Just the idea that she was the only one there who could see what was happening, trapped by the idiocy of everyone around her. She combined concern for other people with political