
It was weird and almost cruel to Brienne’s character. Like if that was the plan all along from the writers - to have Jaime run home to Cersei and die with her, or run off with her, or save her or whatever - why even include the storyline where he is happy with and sleeping with (and maybe even cohabiting with)

And apparently it only occurred to Jaime that he wanted to go back to Cersei once Sansa taunted him about it (Sansa is basically responsible for the deaths of both Varys and Jaime). I didn’t think Jaime was sincerely still in love with Cersei because it didn’t make any sense at that point. Guess I shouldn’t have

how stupid the show has become.

As always, I am hesitant to reply to comments with the knowledge that the Kinja system elevates Staff contributions and thus the comments themselves, but I want to address this since I’ve seen it pop up a couple of times in my notifications.

The complaints have more to do with the fact that they undid his arc so sloppily and swiftly, and in a way that doesn’t make sense given what they’ve shown us of the character. It would be like if at the end of Endgame, Bucky just shot Cap in the back and then had the writer be like “What?! He’s a brainwashed Hydra

Too often, people use GOT’s “trope subversion” to had-waive away bad writing. If they weren’t going to give Jaime a full redemption arc, then fine. But the way they progressed his story made no sense.

Martin’s subversions have purpose, thematic heft, and a reason for veering beyond “Ha! You didn’t expect THAT, did you?!” Jamie’s behavior here is pure subversion for the sake of subversion, with no greater thought or purpose behind it. That’s why people aren’t happy with it, not because it surprised them and they

I still think he will choke her out in the books. They copped out this time 

The interesting thing is to see where they go from here. Series tend to try and top each storyline with a bigger one next. It’s gonna be pretty hard to top a guy destroying half of sentient life in the universe. (What, Annihilus destroying all of it?) I hope Marvel goes small for a while. Lower the stakes.

Well remember he kicked hulk’s ass without breaking a sweat. Dude just went from not expecting any real resistance (snap thanos) to knowing and planning for resistance (tipped off by downloading nebula’s brain). 

no two fights are the same, even if the fighters are.

This is how I felt. After Cap said “Avengers Assemble” then the heroes and villains charged at each other, I could feel myself trembling. And while that wasn’t meant to be a sappy scene, I felt my eyes water up a little. To see these characters I grew up reading and loving then watching be adapted... For all of those

I remember a time where just getting a Batman movie, any Batman movie, in the 1990s felt like a comic-book win, even if it was wildly erratic in quality.

I’m glad Rene Russo got some shine in this one. She felt so underserved in the original movies that I’m glad this one gave her a quick bit of acting meat to not just anchor the Thor plot point, but also remind everyone that Rene Russo is still pretty fucking awesome and, like Michelle Pfiffer, should be in more

If I were pressed to come up with only one word to explain why this all worked, it would be: Patience.

Finally an io9 article celebrating the wonderful achievement this film represents. Seriously, for all the griping this was an emotional, beautiful, fun, exciting, and amazingly FUN film. Lets celebrate the achievement of what it represents rather than picking it apart to death.

“I can’t believe I’m seeing this on a cinema screen”

See, there’s the thing right there.  I think a lot of modern movies don’t give the audience enough credit.  Sometimes it’s OK if something is unexplained.  Sometimes it’s OK to have a moment for the hardcore fans.  Just give an engaging narrative with clear stakes, and you can get away with a lot.

I saw it with someone who knew little-to-nothing about the MCU and she was fine. Yes, there were lots of questions over dinner, but it didn’t interfere with her ability to enjoy it. There were clear good guys and clear bad guys. She yelled and applauded in the big battle scene at the end when Cap gets the hammer and

I didn’t know how badly I NEEDED to see that final half hour until I was watching it. Seeing Giant Man punch a space whale!?! That was incredible.