
I remember getting the Horizon Zero Dawn artbook right after it released and being a bit disappointed that there wasn’t a whole lot of concept art for the Machines in general. Looking back though, things like those Banuk Camp concepts are far more interesting as GG had to come up with certain cultural rules per each

God damn Randy just can’t go one day without being a fucking idiot.

Both are totally unrelated to each other, but alright.

You take Last Action Hero’s name out of your mouth. That movie is a treasure. This.. thing is an abomination. 

GANGSTER’S PARADISE!!! The song running through the whole trailer is 24 years old, with no relevance to the theme of the movie. Think less Gangnam Style and more Macarena (<— STILL TWO YEARS LESS OLD THAN GANGSTER’S PARADISE!!!).

“Wolf Like Me,” about an undead dire-wolf who reunites with his long-lost sister Nymeria, and her brood. They move in together and have wacky dysfunctional family misadventures. Soundtrack by TV on the Radio.

You’re 500 love handles in the wind. 

Amazing work by all concerned, and they deserve all the praise and accolades they get.

Perfecto Cuervo lol thats the coolest name I’ve ever heard

That’s not a plot hole, that's just a thing that happened in the movie. 

Now playing

Honestly it sounds like you’re nitpicking minor plot contrivances due to the use of time travel in the plot.

So it seems pretty clear that Thor Lebowski is going to be a huge Halloween costume this year, right?

I don’t know. Kids experiencing more fame and earning more money than they’re mature enough to handle are more than enough on their own to lead to that eventual spiral, especially given how quickly both often dry up for child stars once they’re no longer “cute” and don’t really possess enough legitimate acting ability

Remember when people reminisced about the old days, when you actually had to play the game to unlock things, and not just buy them?

Finally the Obamas, Clintons and Soroses will answer for their crimes.

North Bergen is a B district finanical group, with A being the poorest and J being the richest.

North Bergen is not arich school. Maybe do some basic research 

Fuck off.