
That was my hesitation. His reputation was entirely based on looking cool over like ten minutes of screen time total, 1 of which had him dying in an extremely goofy bit of slapstick (eu notwithstanding). Now here we are with a badass Fett who immediately earned the reputation he had. 

It was nice that they finally let Boba Fett do something useful and cool in a Star Wars story.  He’s been skating on his reputation for 40 years now.

Moff Gideon doesn’t get out the teeny tiny baby handcuffs unless he knows he needs them.

Gay libtard here. Burr is so misunderstood by so many of my peeps. His observation on Gay Pride/Black History months was scathing, logical, hilarious and thought provoking. At the same time.

It was quite fun to pop over to Twitter during commercials and see all the white women weeping and rending garments over the monologue, while everyone they insisted it was offensive to was totally cool with it.

First I heard of it was it was how Maine described the summer influx of vacationers, nothing to do with sports. But it’s so good I’m sure it got coopted into everything Boston related.

I always have to laugh when some of my liberal brethren mistake Burr for an out of touch centrist, or worse, sympathetic to the right. I always tell them you really haven’t listened to his material then, as it’s obvious he is firmly a liberal that doesn’t suffer idiots, especially on the right. It’s his shtick to come

Not a new thing at all. Another common use of Masshole is to refer to Massachusetts drivers (at least in NY). 

Corporate business models these days revolve around shareholders, not consumers. That they’re consumer-facing is only an ancillary concern, as long their shareholders benefit. It’s a shit system on more levels than I care to dive into in this brief comment.

A 60 dollar game that doesn’t even have a Season pass or Ultimate team?  Come on now fam.

The series is on a steady decline since the excellent pilot (which the AV Club incorrectly rated lower than the subsequent episodes)

That may have been the point as written in the theme song. But the opposite theme is the one that emerged organically — and that felt more meaningful, especially if they were going for more ‘adult’ writing in the final season.


I thought I had seen the whole show, but clearly I missed the part where Jack and Aku get it on.

I was burnt out too... but I love Giancarlo Esposito in Saul and Breaking Bad so now I am curious. Lol He is such an insanely good actor to have in a video game. I’m curious to see how they’ll utilize him. I hope he can bring some depth and nuance to the character. 

Oh, people, stop. Self-centered spoilerphobes screaming about how no one is allowed to discuss anything of substance in any story because you haven’t bothered to catch up yet make it impossible to talk at all, which is unfair and stifling to everyone else. Either hurry it up, get off the internet until you do, or

The real question is, does he want pictures of Spider-Man?

I don’t ever want to have to be in a war, but I love shooting the hell out of other people in games. I wouldn’t ever want to have to run from a crazy murderer or monster, but I love those situations in games. I wouldn’t ever want to lose someone I love and have to do some truly terrible things, but... games.

Single player game cheats? Go nuts, cheat all you want, I don’t care. Hell, that can even give a game new life and used to be included out of the box. No problems there.

We are not exactly dealing with a master criminal here