I think Life In Agro's analysis of blu magic so far has been hilarious.
I think Life In Agro's analysis of blu magic so far has been hilarious.
The Outer Limits did that! The episode “Vanishing Act”.
Nester’s Funky Bowling is, and always will be, the best bowling game of all time. Truth!
But what time does “What time does what time does the super bowl start start” start?
+1 aristocrat!
Was the Asian kid you?
The Wade Boggs version goes on the other end of the tap and is actually Wade Boggs.
The Very Pesky Pole
I can agree on the clutch job and maybe tires but 4 new tires seems a bit much, the dealers view that he punished the wrongdooers sort of ignores the fact that the dealership is liable for their actions. I think the dealership should cut their losses fix the guys car and call it a night
“Halftime show press conference” is a real thing? Why? What is anyone going to say that’s the least bit newsworthy? “Hey, Musician X, do you plan to suck or be great on Sunday?”
Thenelople Cruz doesn't count.
Camacho 2020.
Seems like a good time to post this
I knew once Deadspin started covering fucking soccer that fencing couldn’t be far behind.
This is good to know.
BuT dOnT yOu KnOw ItS fAkE, mArK?!!!?!??
That shit will never cease to amaze me. The idea that just because you know it’s coming falling six feet through a table onto concrete won’t hurt, because obviously gravity doesn’t have an effect if you know its there... or something.
I always preferred the Triple H method, where you either had the weak shot to the upper back, to get that big meaty thwack that doesn’t hurt... Or you put one hand on the end of the chair and “drive” it into their gut or forehead (and your hand takes the brunt), and then they fall back to sell it. There’s no goddamn…
Might wanna actually read the article dude.
I’m really surprised the author didn....