
Congratulations, SpaceCop, I see you finally got that transfer to the Fun Police.

Stupidly AWESOME!

He laid out Pat Patriot because that Jets fool can’t maul Steely McBeam.


Donkey Doug.

I think it was that throw to Gronk down the sideline where he noted, “If the safety steps up, he’s going to Gronk one-on-one.” I immediately was staring at that safety, saw him step up, and I was like, “Here it comes.”

The weird thing about the Edelman and Hogan catches is that you just kinda knew Edelman’s was a catch and Hogan’s was not. It’s almost a GUT feeling, which seems hard to put into a rule book. It gets even worse when you slow things down to scrutinize it. That, in my opinion, is harder to work around than blown calls

There were a few post-game takes on a couple of channels where ex-players were like, “Yeah it’s a penalty, but you hate to see that affect the game.” Uh, then don’t line up 2 feet in the neutral zone?

Not sure Dee Ford’s penalty should be on this list. That was a pretty easy call.

Am I the only one that both hates and loves great games? I hate them because I feel like I’m going to have an aneurysm for the entire second half, and I love them because they’re..Well, they’re fucking awesome, duh.

Both teams have a chance to break the tie. One team can score a TD, and the other team can prevent them from doing that, and then score any points on their own.

Fuck you.

lol calm down this is a politics website 

But games like tonight, that’s the part where the Pats/MAGA telepathy everyone likes to talk about breaks down a little bit. New England, who as a lifelong Jets fan I fucking despise, are undoubtedly incredibly well coached and disciplined; everything Trump is not. Every one of those insane 3rd down passes were

Patrick Mahomes can’t win in big games.

My thoughts as a Pats fan.

I liked Dee Ford lining up in the Pats backfield.

The single player was a 30$ experience