Jalopnik has always asked a single question about the Toyota Camry.
Jalopnik has always asked a single question about the Toyota Camry.
Pretty sure this isn’t how direct injection works
Whatever it is I’m sure the fuel companies hate it.
The saddest convertible story is one where the top never comes down and the car never gets driven...
Raphael, you’ve had your money-pit of a Bug in NYC for months, and haven’t used it to create profitable #content until now?
The other Jalops therefore said unto him, “we have seen the S2000.” But he said unto them, “except I shall see in my hands the keys of such Honda, and put my hand onto the gearshift, and thrust my feet upon the pedals, I will not believe.”
The shittier the marque the more acceptable
Mr. Regular of Regular Car Reviews swung by Fabspeed and saw several good Porsches, including a 993 911 RSR clone, a…
There is no such thing as a Jason Torchinsky post that should never be posted.
The principles of the four stroke internal hambustion engine are rather simple:
I’ve been curious before, but I also know better than to touch. Plus, it looks like you might be getting ready to break into it or steal it. I feel weird about looking through windows to check if cars are stick or auto.
Does this mean the car is totaled?
To be properly authentic they need to remove the fence and move a minifig onto the roadway.
Engine: a Honda engine.
Fake news! I’ve been getting speeding tickets in manual-transmission cars for years now. YEARS.
They should just take a couple dozen of these and have the F1 drivers spec race them. That way we’d get a real Driver’s championship, and it would sound much better in the process. I think F1 has hit the point of diminishing returns for developing new technology anyway.