
holy crap that scared the living hell outta me.

Clearly the co-driver went in to re-routing mode.

the engine will only last 31,000 miles.

Now playing

It’s entirely pointless comparing RUF and Singer. They exist in different universes. The point is how to secure one of each.

Old cars duking it out is better than F1 and NASCAR.

Better headline:

Sidewalls too small

Kinda like woeeee, woeeeee, woeeeee, blk, blk, blk, blubbwoeee, woeee, woee,woeee, bgkla, blkg, blka, woooeeee,woeeee, woeeee, wooeeeeeee, blkal, blkal, blummmmpurrr, wooeeeeee.

I dunno, I don’t see ‘Superfast’ anywhere in its name.

For me it was the MCM guys reaction to the 700hp. They always do really sweet small engine stuff. RK always has the hp advantage when you have engines laying around.

He went full Mr Regular.

The one textbook that I’ve referred to most in my 8 years after graduating is the Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics.

I’m now going to demonstrate something I learned in engineering school....

Why I Fuck Up My Cars

“The tint is illegal,” he told me, “but I’ve never gotten pulled over for it.”