Jezebel: Tough, Dry Ham

That’s why this whole argument is so irritating to me. Some places, being too progressive hurts you. Some places, being too centrist hurts you. There’s plenty of blame to go around.

Because you don’t want to get your father sick. 

Remember when ANTIFA was coming to kill all registered Republicans? Well, the right believed that and it was as true as this post is. Even if he declares martial law the electoral college votes and he is kicked out of office on January 20. Stop thinking this incompetent boob is the boogyman, he is just a dangerous

I kept looking for info. about Trump’s watch party on the 3rd and got nada; just reports about the party that wouldn’t happen at his Trump hotel. So, I have nothing to add here except: why wasn’t anyone reporting about it? Was Jezebel reporting about it on the night of Nov. 3rd? Not Likely. More likely Jez was doing 

I mean...

Honest question: Where do you live? I live in the KS 2 but I’m in the broadcast area for the KS 3 (so I’m just outside the Kansas City metro area)

The Business of Selling White Women the Righteousness of Their Own Anger”

Wow, you people are dense. Good luck in 2022. You’re going to need it.

There is cynicism, and there is reality. The Democratic establishment could stand a little less of the former, but the progressive wing could stand a lot more of the latter.

And you have completely missed the point, although you did make a nice speech and I’m sure you feel much cleverer now.

You inherently don’t understand how this country is put together - socialism isn’t going to be a palatable message to everyone just because you’re convinced it should be.”

This line of thinking is puzzling to me. Talking about “how progressives ran” is a Trump-level obfuscation - maybe they weren’t talking about DTP but we all know they support it. The overall tenor of the Democratic party supports it as well. That and the socialist tag just about gave us four more years of Trump (and

in my experience, “centrist” candidates do have workable, solid platforms and they’re not overly focused on saying “I’m not a socialist!!!” -they’re tired of having to say it at all and having that constantly detract from explaining their actual platforms.

This place is as much a bubble as any conservative media outlet.

You - the ‘royal you’ - are trying to have a nuanced conversation in a sound bite, meme-focused, social media world.

Thank you.

You can be for a higher minimum wage, Medicare for All, Social Security, and all of these progressive issues, and still recoil at the word “socialism”. A lot of people do, and they vote for people who they feel are going to fight the “radical socialist agenda”.

I wouldn’t be so sure that Rep. Lamb is wrong. Listen to him with an open mind. I believe he and Rep. Spanberger raise some good points, and I’m sure millions of Democrats are thinking the same thing. These Squad folks are feeling increasingly like a liability. Bernie Sanders was crushed in the Democratic primary, but

or it’s possible they’re right and there’s no “right” answer here as to what to do?

Yes they are. So what are you and the Socialist Democrats going to do to persuade them to your causes and vote for your bills? What compromises are you willing to take in order for them to compromise for you? Do you all work together or do we end up in gridlock until the Republicans take control of the house and