Jezebel: Tough, Dry Ham

What excrecable dogshit.

Some day, the Democrat party can excise the albatross of abortion from its platform, and actually gain some real political power.

Always-On-Camera never misses a chance to bravely tweet progressive horseshit from the safety of her D+32 district.

Keep digging.

They aren’t policy positions. They aren’t in charge of setting policy. They’re in charge of selling the administration and its actions to the public.”

These roles, after all, are largely as messengers, which is not to discount its importance”

The only people that should be surprised that Cardi B would do something incredibly stupid are the vapid Jezebel bloggers who have ignored, or made excuses, for her behavior for years.

“It is time to send it back to Ebenezer Baptist Church”

AOC (Always On Camera) is a Twitter troll just like Tanden. Leftists should be celebrating.

Lot of predictable hysterics here about how the world is ending, because a court ruled that religious institutions have to be treated fairly.

and a return to New York—where the couple may be on a permanent shit list—is not in the cards”

Barret joins a rather large group of them who find it appropriate to fudge convenient details to support their larger goal”

It almost seems as if they are just as good at throwing meat to their mouth-breathing base as the members of the “Squad” are.  Who could have imagined.

Some members of the party—and certainly many Democratic voters—wanted to see Democrats use every tactic at their disposal to block Barrett’s confirmation.”

Let us know when the nuclear family has been disrupted.

Imprisonment is no way to tackle a pandemic, and hefty fines amid an economy busting pandemic are questionable”

These are all the kinds of things that if a Democrat said them, there would be no complaint.

She doesn’t know.

Despite backlash, SoulCycle remained relatively popular after one of its owners was found to have hosted a Trump fundraiser”

For the employees, including Ms. Escárcega, who are represented by the Guild, the company and the Guild agreed on a pay scale which was approved as part of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA), 388 to 3, in October 2019. Her pay is based on the framework in the CBA that was agreed upon and ratified by an