Jezebel: Tough, Dry Ham

Losing a house seat in a D+6 and a D+5 in Florida REALLY hurts.  We need to figure out exactly what happened there and make sure it never happens again.  I think it probably is the messaging on socialism and defund the police, but we need to know for sure so we can fix it.

Messaging is so important. You are spot on about “defund the police.” Worst slogan ever. Just like the second I heard Hillary Clinton say “basket of deplorables” I knew she was done. But how could progressives not realize that for half, or maybe more than half, the country, socialism = communism. Instead of trying to

Look I just lost my freshman Democratic Congresswoman who I had really been hoping to keep, so I’m not entirely unsympathetic to your upset here but I don’t think House progressives deserve all or even most of the blame. 2018 was a very different year than 2020, and it was always going to have different turn out that

I think there’s a third option. Social democratic policies tend to poll well nationally in the abstract. Democrats are just terrible at selling them in conservative-leaning districts. If they can find a way to do that, they’ll be able to maintain a ‘big tent’ congressional presence while passing ambitious legislation.

I’m of two minds about this. I now live in Massachusetts surrounded by Democratic leaders with the exception of Gov Baker, but I grew up in a district that can swing Democrat or Republican and I visit often/maintain contacts there. They don’t like and won’t vote for socialists. They’re not inspired by Bernie or The

I get that. But how about everyone celebrating in the streets, jam packed into massive crowds. How responsible are they for spreading COVID?

“Defund the police” was a disastrous message. Literally one of the dumbest phrases anyone with a political or social agenda has ever said out loud. Which is exactly why Biden wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole, and specifically rebuked the idea on every possible occasion.

Seems like you’re trying to stick a lot of baggage on Abigail Spanberger, because the Squad is most definitely not “making it easier for Spanberger to get a job”. Unlike the relatively safe seats the members of The Squad hold, Spanberger flipped a Republican seat in 2018 and barely held onto it in a conservative

Wow so a nobody with no real understanding of her race has a hot take.

And it seems to have worked in Florida. This from the vice chair of the Miami-Dade Democrats, who adds later in the article that the DNC had done a terrible job of appealing to local communities and took their votes as a given: 

Reactions immediately following elections are prone to high emotions and people seeking narrative control. Exit polling data, especially this election, needs some major recalibration. It’s useful for maybe the broadest, most visible trends right now, and that’s really about it.

“Socialism” and far-left rhetoric in general had already been rejected BY democrats in the democratic primary. But for some reason (idiots running the party who live in coastal bubbles and think they only have to pay attention to voters in major cities) we’re still having this conversation. The article above is

She added: “We need to not ever use the word ‘socialist’ or ‘socialism’ ever again... we lost good members because of that.”

It is if you want to win elections in the future. All these predictions about Dems sweeping up control of the senate and house. THEY FUCKING FAILED. But Joe Biden wins, so Pelosi and THE SQUAD (fucking cheesy-ass nickname to give yourself, too) claim credit? Claim victory? Biden got enough votes IN SPITE of being

Progressive policies can be popular when you delink them from identity politics. I am not sure how this takeaway helps your overall theory.

“Demands” and then is mystified, scandalized that other white women would be so sick of this bone-headed “liberal” sanctimony that they’d turn hard to the right, to anyone who could effectively tell these posers to fuck off.

Really? Y’all do know your new format require mobile users to scroll through a couple screens worth of stories to even come across this one. I don’t have your access to the traffic numbers, but it’s certainly affecting how long it takes me to get newly posted content.  I would be surprised if it’s not affecting how

I wish I could give you a thousand stars. Shit like this is exactly why people who are (rightly) worried about a tanking economy, their kids’ education, standards of living, etc. will not listen to progressives about fuck all. Microaggressions and cultural appropriation are not even blips on their radar of survival,

One thing that might help ... left-wing media stop using the term “Latinx”, which is idiotic at best, and mostly just offensive to people who actually speak Spanish

Is this a “cultural appropriation” article? Get the fuck out of here with your racist bullshit. Anyone criticizing anyone for wearing their hair a certain way, because of their race, is a shithead. It’s the equivalent of being the person in the 1960s fretting over the long haired hippies. Only women should be allowed