More Silver Than Grey

If you watch the video, while he’s doing his first walk around, the woman asks if it comes with the umbrella and the fellow showing the car answers in the affirmative.






I regularly read your comments and wonder what happened in your past to break you so completely and utterly. I’m sorry that whatever it was happened, but, perhaps, you could take a step back and reevaluate before you continue to post your noxious, tone deaf, self-aggrandizing bon mots?

Maybe refrain from racing to comment on every article that is posted?


There’s always room for another Porsh.

Give the 928 to Stef.


1965 MB 220Sb.

Who is charging you $500 to install seats?

Only if he grinds some shit into their washing machine.

What’s funny to me is that a lot of the grass he’s “cutting” is wild oats.

“We”. “We have one question for Elon Musk.”

My guess is that you aren’t able to see that your behavior is foul.

I think he trained to be a mechanic, not that he was a trained mechanic.

You fuck with my tools, I break your face.