More Silver Than Grey

Dementia is a bitch.

Nobody is worried about the North Koreans in this scenario.

We never discuss where our subs are when they are submerged.

Yeah, sometimes you just have to pull over and set up the tent.

Go fuck yourself.

You know why all your vehicles break down at once? Because you bought pieces of shit and never fixed them in the first place. Grow up and get a reliable, boring DD that doesn’t shit the bed every time you think about driving 300 miles. Then, fix The POS Jeeps you’ve got rotting in your landlord’s backyard.

Those don’t work so well in the Pacific Ocean.

I would think that your decision making skills would be scarier than any stretch of road at that point.

I ache just watching that.

“cuts won’t impact day-to-day work”

That’s genius.

“couple hundred extra bucks a month”

And yet, you keeping paying what they ask. I don’t think it’s Bizzard with the issue.

Damn, son, that Francis is a cold-ass gift giver. That one hurt clear over here.

You’re cute.

That is a lovely color.

I... I...

You’re voting CP and saying it’s priced 7k too high, but you don’t understand the CP vote.

Speaking as a straight man, go fuck yourself, you homophobic piece of shit.

I listen to American Gods through a pretty decent sound system and have no idea of what you’re talking about.