More Silver Than Grey

American Coaster Enthusiast.

I have the same model, four years old. It starts on the first or second pull every time. Honda small engines are the best.

There are words missing both from your copy and from quotes within your article.

That’s pretty gay, dude.

Those reasons all suck as well.

“Sure, many of these cars were junk, but they were dirtcheap.”

Yup, just like the army. Wash your head before you eash your ass.

I thought this trashy racist was done years ago. “Thanks” for helping to keep her marketable.

They wouldn’t be buying anything but some overpriced real estate in Nevada.

Ceramic shows up just fine on x-ray.

Ceramic shows up just fine on x-ray.

All of which are government agencies. This drone manufacturer isn’t a government agency.

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hope you get a case of jock itch that’s super-difficult to cure.

The young brother there is high af.

My young brother there was high af.

He should be wrenching on next year’s shitheap now.

Who’s the castrato singing with her?

You need to try a nice slice of real cheddar sometime. It’s a billion times better.

I’d be happy with an article about how he got it running decently while being moderately safe for the people he shares the road with.

With a couple filler articles about pissing off his neighbors and destroying his landlord’s property.

You’re asking David Tracy that question.