More Silver Than Grey

Serves you right.

Twin Peaks should have ended after the first season.

Carl Marx sold books, too.

“Are we okay with the idea that service can be refused based on if a person supports “X” or is a part of a non-protected group?”

You’re wrong.

Do you know why we hear about incidents like this? It’s because they are incredibly rare.

The Last Policeman.

If you’re going to kill your spouse, dig the hole first.

That’s about four months of healing and PT. Six months until you’re back to “normal”.

Broken pelvis is no joke. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery .

Let go of those pearls, Gramma.

Fewer and fewer people are opting for a funeral procession with a traditional hearse.

Most bodies are transported in the back of an SUV these days. And not just in Texas.

Susan G. Komen is one of her sponsors. Calm your tits.

I’ll stick with Doug “I don’t talk about my boner” DeMuro’s review, thanks.

I’m looking at an ‘84 SR5 4x4 in the morning. ;(

If it’s properly frozen, it will peal if you don’t hit it too hard.

It’s a spray tan.

I wonder if they have Russian hookers on call to pee on the mattress?