More Silver Than Grey

You need to get out more. And you need to stop being a shitty racist.

Speaking for the black comnunity, “fuck you, dude”.

My best friend from the age of five until the age of ten was a sock monkey named “Monkey’. I still love Monkey, but he isn’t alive.

Anyone who voted CP has no soul. This thing is bitchin’!

Yeah. Cars still aren’t alive.


Thank your lucky stars you didn’t buy it. You done good.

Love your enthusiasm, bro, but... no.

The CSA surrendered.

Your racism’s showing, sweetie.

Oh, this is tasty.

This is dangerously close to kink shaming.

I always figured they were a little freaked out by the huge bulge in my pants caused by my massive cock.

Nope. I love cars, hate sloppy writing.

Dude, it’s a parking lot full of TDIs.

Love them. That love, however, does not excuse sloppy writing.

Why didn’t you read the article? Or, you know, the headline?

“As I stared out into the vast seas of Volkswagen TDIs that once loyally served their owners, I couldn’t help but be overcome by somber feelings. Cars are so much more than just material objects; they take on personalities, and that’s obvious by the dozens of people who have written about how much they miss their

“I’m normally pretty skeptical of the “hostile boy’s club” workplace stories”

Maybe United smashed a passenger’s face, knocked his tooth out, gave him a concussion, and left him bleeding in the aisle? On camera.