More Silver Than Grey

Boycotts are intended to change behavior. Which the very recent anger at United has done. Your article is sort of missing the point.

“(Otherwise, it automatically unlocks when you exceed 30 mph.)“

Sorry, I’ve been burned by the bowtie too many time to be interested in a $40k S-10.

Yeah, I’d like this one a lot more for $4,500 - $5,000.

It’s a ‘92, which the dealer says in the the ad’s headline. The ‘99 mistake is Graverobber’s typo.

I bet they did. They have enough money and lawyers to protect their property.

I guess you are totally cool with someone taking half your paycheck without asking?

There was no apology.

Yeah, no.

“I must emphasize that the purpose of the visit was to verify certain facts about the student’s enrollment in relation to a request for an immigration benefit,”

There’s a bunch of stupid in this article’s comments.

Yeah, Germany winning WWII is a perfect example of your little maxim.

He’s in a public space.

I do believe that I’m getting “Rude Negro” tattooed on my body.

Not if Waymo has a financial interest in Lyft’s success.

The lawsuits by investors in two years will be delicious.

That’s a really nice way to say “suck it”.

“If you can relax your mind enough to enjoy the film...”

“His eyes were removed and put on his forehead”

I understand the technique. Using it in any case other than teaching how to use the clutch properly, which she claims to do all the time, is fucking stupid.