
Not sure why these people are bothering to go to a Democrat run city. Let the liberal cities destroy themselves. 

And what do you call the idiots that took up a “no police zone” in downtown portland?

The violence, perpetrated by those who came to a protest armed with pellet and paint guns

Let us never forget, we have the right to peaceably assemble. After 94 days of looting, violence and destruction with no plan by State officials to intervene on behalf of its people, the people will always take matters into their own hands to protect lives, businesses and property.  This could have easily been

LOL! He Mad!

You can’t be upset at the Trump train rollin’ through town while also being supportive of the ongoing far left rioting...

It is your constitutional duty as an American to have a well armed Militia ready to fight when your local and federal government can’t and won’t protect you, your family and your property.

The only thing Kyle Rittenhouse is guilty of, is being a good American.


Agreed that Lewis Hamilton is an absolute moron. Dude constantly virtue signals about the environment when he probably has the carbon footprint of 700 regular people. He is constantly lecturing fans about things he’s literally doing, some times in the moment (the boat/unplugged video may be my favorite example).

“fucking kill yourself”

It sounds like you haven’t watched the first shooting video. He doesn’t shoot at the guy for throwing a bag with an object in it. He shoots his attacker after his attacker chases him for over 60 yards (that we know of), accelerates and aggressively charges to close the final 10 yards of distance when Kyle is backed up

THANKS! Wow, I can’t believe you really liked it! Here, let me give you the extended cut version!

He helped start a race war based on a lie

Cause he started the fire before he was out, it was slow burning.

Neither side here is engaging in “peaceful” protest. Peaceful protest is the NAACP and the KKK chanting at each other across a public park. It is not peaceful protest when one side tries to block the caravan from even entering the city and throws things at it while the other side shoots the crowd with paint guns. And

Ahh yes. The rich Hypocrisy of the alt left being peaceful in their response. So tolerant. So inclusive. Obviously looking to contribute to adult conversation by entering in the most highbrow of names to start. Clearly a master of charm and wit.