
Does it have such a big greenhouse so the BLM protestors have an easier time getting in when they smash the glass?

 Never believe anything these Marxist creeps say.  Their actions are the truth.  They are miserable, evil, hateful creatures and their only desire is to inflict their misery and malaise upon all around them.

Because this is just a marketing render to gin up attention from credulous journalists whose idea of reportage is paraphrasing a press-release. The actual van, should it ever come to fruition, will look only very roughly like this at best. This press release is one step up from a sketch on the back of a cocktail

Um, at this stage of development I think it would be equally accurate to say that my nuts have a massive greenhouse and five battery options. On the one hand I don’t have any renders of my transparent scrotum, but on the other hand my balls at least actually exist whereas this van does not.

Orrrrr get a CPO BMW 540i xDrive that does everything better

This is more realistic. Minus the Goat

So now they don't make three vehicles instead of not making two?

This looks like a Tesla van launch. Elon sees some designer’s random drawing, says its awesome looking and they should ship it out without making any changes. Designer begs “but I haven’t even added doors.”, Elon replies “No changes!”

The renders for this are horrible (No suspension height, no tie downs, no door openings, no passenger bulkheads, or anything else that actually matters on a van).

Who the F has ever wanted a four cylinder?

That’s all the white people you know? The president has done a lot more than be a reality show personality. While he was on that show he was still running many other businesses and organisations, and was involved in much more than any of your basically retarded role models, and more than Obama did during his entire

What do you suggest the police officers (also often referred to as peace officers) should have done in the thug Jacob Blake’a case?

Yup, and it took how long for Palestinians to win against Israel? Has Georgia won against russia yet? How long did it take for the Native Americans to win? 

You could’ve saved a lot of time by just writing: I am a stereotypical racist.

You keep trying. Keep lying.

It’s sad to see that black America still only has basketball stars, rappers and drug dealers (often the same thing) as their role models.

The bigger tribes were stealing shit and enslaving way before we got here.