
Volvo is Chinese, and China is known for IP theft

China gonna China

I’m trying to think of a good comparison to this, and I think I have one. This would be like if back in the day, Car and Driver bought a copy of Cars magazine, and then re-printed pictures from it in their own magazine. And when they got sued, they then claimed that because they bought a copy of the magazine, they

Olds should have called this the Trofeo Partecipazione.

R.O. Beethoven

Actually it’s a roll-on/roll over scrap metal carrier.

In Canada?  No, those ARE Fieros Geoff

The fact that these Corvette people are whining about their Corvettes being delayed either live in a bulletproof bubble or are seriously lacking situational awareness. Look around you! 2020 is a hellpit of sadness and uncertainty. Millions are in serious danger of getting evicted. This is not the time to throw a fit

This. If you’re still in a financially advantageous enough position to even have a chance to get a C8 Corvette, then I have zero sympathy for you. 

So, the net is that the whiners should just cancel and go buy an equivalent performing Porsche, right?

ALL of 2020 hasn’t gone according to plan.  So much so that anyone that claimed they had a plan is lying.

He should have used a

Not what I expected at all. That driver was both lucky and, from what I can read of the telemetry, cool as a cucumber. Looks like: hard on the brakes, then off everytime the spin was complete and then back on to the brakes moderately in an effort to stop the spin.

Glad to see an enabler ready to help Tracy get his automotive suffering fix.

I think a candid photo of any Detroit Chrysler dealership mechanic’s face when they pop the hood expecting a normal US engine would be worth the price of admission.

Maybe you can get management to sign off on it as a story expense like with the Changli, if not then it’s GoFundMe time! Working on an American badged Italian motored Austrian built minivan unicorn in the Midwest, story has a lot of potential.

I reckon shipping it stateside would cost a bit too much.

What will you do with it? I'm betting it will end up here in the U.S. just so you can brag about having a manual diesel minivan in the driveway, you have all that space now.

Now playing

I believe you’re remembering the MS Estonia in the Baltic Sea.

I’ll pass on calling dibs. Few things are more humiliating than being underwater on a Hyundai.